will my gcc get along in the future


New member
Jun 14, 2013
cinnamon green cheek conure pearly green cheek conure
so I let my birds meet in a different room it didn't go well. the pearly gcc came after my cinnamon gcc we separated them an they seemed happy to be with their own people. after we had are hands on are own birds the became very sweet an lovable again so my question is my boyfriend an Paulie are a pair an me an Tweety are a a pair so should I just leave it at that are try again later:confused:
My two little GCCs definitely did NOT love each other at first sight! They both puffed up and went into attack mode. We separated them, but then every couple of hours, tried again. They went from attack mode to aggressive preening...so we seperated them. Finally I had the idea to let them perch on the back of a chair, and they couldnt face each other...and then they settled down and started gentle preening! As you can see in my signature pic, they now love eachother! and that was taken the FIRST day of introduction. so don't give up on your two gccs. They will soon get used to having a buddy, and then will never want to be apart!
so I let my birds meet in a different room it didn't go well. the pearly gcc came after my cinnamon gcc we separated them an they seemed happy to be with their own people. after we had are hands on are own birds the became very sweet an lovable again so my question is my boyfriend an Paulie are a pair an me an Tweety are a a pair so should I just leave it at that are try again later:confused:

If you want to introduce them and get them to like each other you have to do it VERY slowly. Place their cages near each other for a couple of weeks, so how they get along. (Don't put them so close they can bite toes, but so that they can see each other and be near each other).

Then if there's no sign of aggression when in the cage, have one out whilst one's cage, and swap over. Again, watch out for lunging at each other. After that has gone okay with no aggression, have them both out but ignoring each other. One person plays with one, whilst another with another. Again, when no aggression or interest in each other, you can start having them near each other, supervised.

It's a LONG and slow process and CANNOT be rushed or you will end up with injured birdies, potentially breaking wings and losing beaks.

I'm currently doing the same with my two senegals. Charlie is not allowed near Merlin for at least 4 weeks, but can chatter from different rooms. Next step is that they'll be moved to the same room to communicate.

It's all about the baby steps :)
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ok thanks for the info I will give these ideas a try . I hope they begin to like each other im still working on my cinnamon he seems nervous so I was hoping my pearly could help him come out of his shell a little faster

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