Will it be possible to tame My GCCs?


New member
Nov 13, 2013
Ziggy (African Grey) and Elvis B&G
So the more i read the more mixed information i am getting, and i realize there never truely is an exact answer because every scenario/bird is different. About a month ago i adopted a bonded pair of GCC's my aunt (who rescues birds) received them from someone she knew through a bird club that bred parrots. i am told they are around 3 years old and did not have much human interaction as they were just a breeding pair to the person. i am not sure how they were raised. when i brought them home i picked up a nice 4' wide x 5' tall by 2' deep cage for them to spread out and enjoy. When they first came in they would scream to get our attention or to rile the dogs up. When you would walk up to the cage they would go as far away as possible. These days the male will stay on the close perch which is in the middle of the cage and the female will hang to the back. they are ok if you reach in but if you get too close they fly to the other side. they seem to have settled down quite a bit but dont seem to be making as much progress as they first were.

i've been reading that bonded pairs may never hand tame with humans but others have said not the case. before i get their wings clipped should i just allow them to be as they are or is it worth taking the next step? i am fine with leaving them as they are if they will be healthier and happier that way.
oh kay....so youve done a month with them.... do they allow you to put your hand in?? well yeah, pairs are harder... it will take time, just wait for now, i think
It takes a lot of time. Get them used to you being around by giving them treats and fresh veggi's and talking to them while they eat, sit near the cage often, have a routine going so they feel comfortable in the new environment. Then do the same with the cage open and putting food in dishes in front of the cage on a stand. Put your hand forth slowly, and if they run away just hold it out. If they come to it, give them a treat like a sunflower seed. Some days they'll be all for it, others they'll not. They've probably been a pair for a very long time, so don't be surprised if the male trys to keep you from the female. Just encourage good behaviour.

Even if its just for half an hour a day, keep up a routine for spending time with them. If they're running to the other side of the cage when you go by, they're probably just unsure. They'll come around, it'll just take a lot of waiting.
I would definitely clip their wings. If you don't, you likely will not be able to tame them. And the primaries always grow back, so there's no real downside to at least giving it a shot. I would expect a couple of months to get them truly tame, if you decide to go for it.:green2:

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