I yield to your superior wisdom
TOM that is the scariest AND sillyest thing I have ever read from you
Hey PC -I did not mean to make you sad or anything, as most people here will tell you: if there is no "love at first sight" it does not mean he will not be over the moon to be your bird after a few months or even years.
It is just *so* much easier to start from a 'honeymoon-point-of-vieuw" but some mariages work out great even if the partners have never even seen each other.
It's so much more 'a sure thing' if the bird really chooses.
You are crazy about this bird- and if there is more than "I feel sorry for bird x because he has been here the longest "
(or something like that ..
I have friends who pick their cats that way: go to the shelter and ask to see the least adoptable one...)
but really an "Oh, my, this is *my* bird even if he does not know it yet".
He is halfway happy to work with you anyway- so he is not that traumatized he will not come around (I think).
You know I got Sunny that way too: I was the best of a bad bunch of choices for her at that time - she had no say in the matter at all and I keep wondering if there is someone out there who would be a much better match for her. All my other parrots really picked me. )
Is there any way you get this guy in your house for a 'try out' period?
Like a foster/ resocialize- situation?
Many animals are *so* different when they are away from the crowded shelter-sitation.
The parrot-rehoming-people here have about 50% of their birds in fostersituations, not in the shelter itself. just for the wellbeing of the parrots.
keep visiting, if he is ready... he will let you know!
He was quite the gentleman in your vid. so I asume it will be something heartwrenchingly beautifull