Why I despise Facebook bird groups

I also stopped using FB with the exception of keeping up with my grandkids back in WV, I learn more about their lives from their posts than I ever would in a text or call.

It is toxic, and people say things to each other that they would never say in person. It's like it brings out the very worst in people.
I have enough drama in my life without reading about everyone else's.

I wanted to say thank you to those who talked about how PF is different from that, and how people are nice here. Rico, thank you also for your shout-out to the Mods, that is much appreciated. Keeping the forum a friendly, respectful space where bettering the lives of birds and their parronts is the most important thing we do here.

Also, a huge thanks to everyone who reports rude or disrespectful posts or threads. That is such a huge help to us, we're human and we do miss things. Together we can all keep PF a place where birds come first, and everyone receives the caring help they're looking for.
It doesn't sound stupid at all! I was bullied mercilessly from 10 years old and we didn't even have social media! You never really get over it 100%. It's one of the reasons I never wanted children- they can be so cruel. But I can say for sure that it can make you a better, more compassionate person. Birds and other animals are so therapeutic, as are SOME internet activities like FM.
Iā€™m glad you donā€™t see it as stupid, as many do. Bullying then had to have been really bad since you could be bullied, terrorized, or attacked for being anything ā€œnot normalā€ or different.

I could definitely see why you wouldnā€™t want kids. I donā€™t them either, partially for the same reason as you (the other being I just donā€™t like kids and Iā€™d be a terrible mother).

Birds truly are therapeutic creatures and they are the flames of my soul, and they mended my heart. Without birds, I would pretty much just go back to my original mind space and just deteriorate. I LIVE for birds, and I want to help every bird like they have helped me.

Some things online can be therapeutic. For me itā€™s watching bird, rat, or tortoise videos or people like Syntac for example, playing ark survival evolved on YouTube.
I also stopped using FB with the exception of keeping up with my grandkids back in WV, I learn more about their lives from their posts than I ever would in a text or call.

It is toxic, and people say things to each other that they would never say in person. It's like it brings out the very worst in people.
I have enough drama in my life without reading about everyone else's.

I wanted to say thank you to those who talked about how PF is different from that, and how people are nice here. Rico, thank you also for your shout-out to the Mods, that is much appreciated. Keeping the forum a friendly, respectful space where bettering the lives of birds and their parronts is the most important thing we do here.

Also, a huge thanks to everyone who reports rude or disrespectful posts or threads. That is such a huge help to us, we're human and we do miss things. Together we can all keep PF a place where birds come first, and everyone receives the caring help they're looking for.
Thatā€™s great! Itā€™s good to keep in touch with family!

Absolutely! Facebook is humming with bullies and itā€™s running rampant with people who feel like itā€™s okay to be nasty and say the most out of pocket and absolutely wild things. Deleting my FB acc tomorrow since Iā€™m too lazy to do it today.

Youā€™re welcome! I do think it was worth noting how well the mod team does! Youā€™re all awesome and the team is doing fantastic!
Youā€™re welcome! I do think it was worth noting how well the mod team does! Youā€™re all awesome and the team is doing fantastic!
Thank you again, this is so nice to read and is much appreciated:)
I'm not a fan of Facebook either. Too much trash and too many toxic people. Well moderated special interest forums like this one are far superior to the general purpose social media sites. Bullies, trolls and haters are not allowed to stick around here and make trouble, unlike Facebook and others of its kind.
(I used to have aquariums, before it became normal to have no electricity for half the day)

Can say there there's a huge amount of confusion with fish also, tank size, compatibility of what can safely be kept together.

So much that I stopped trying to help people. It's not worth the arguments.

Very glad that people here are friendlier. I'm a new-ish member and only have good things to say about people here
I have seen on other parrot community websites where it is usually one or two people that ruins it for others. Some bird owners are very condescending for instance about pellets or if to clip wings or not to are very hot topics, and to me, I avoid all together.

I come to this forum to learn about other peoples beloved parrots, learn from their experiences and even share my own. But when it turns into "my way or the highway", your only going to deter visitors away.

This by far is the BEST Parrot Forum out on the web. I have learned so much from others. So glad that you ditched the Facebook Ninnies and returned here where civility is present.
I have seen on other parrot community websites where it is usually one or two people that ruins it for others. Some bird owners are very condescending for instance about pellets or if to clip wings or not to are very hot topics, and to me, I avoid all together.

I come to this forum to learn about other peoples beloved parrots, learn from their experiences and even share my own. But when it turns into "my way or the highway", your only going to deter visitors away.

This by far is the BEST Parrot Forum out on the web. I have learned so much from others. So glad that you ditched the Facebook Ninnies and returned here where civility is present.

I have seen so much of the stuff mentioned above that itā€™s honestly so mindnumbingly stupid to the point itā€™s funny. And OMG THE PRO/ANTI WING CLIPPERS AND THE PELLET SNOBS ARE UNHINGED!!! Look at Reddit for example. Itā€™s a BREEDING ground for nasty behavior as long as it fits the hivemind. Wing clipping for example. Very controversial. The hivemind is ā€œwing clip is devilā€ which, while I personally disagree with wing clipping unless it is done for medical purposes or trimmed so they can still get around, I find the ā€œwing clip EVIL!!! no good! If you do it, you no deserve life!ā€ Thought to be utterly stupid.

Then you have the diet snobs (FaceCrap is a perfect pit of sliminess and entitlement for this) who act like they are a god because they feed their birds only fruits and vegetables and seeds and sprouts. Like, shush Karen, I do not care about your unrelated, unasked for, dietary opinion, this was not somewhere for you to brag about your golden diet, this was about something unrelated. Cease.

Itā€™s good you avoid that stuff. It sucks!

You hit it right on the head! Exactly! Like, this is a place to learn! Not bully and belittle. And if thatā€™s what that forum has to offer, and the my way or the highway mentality is the only thing going on in there, then, itā€™ll just drive people away because of the psychotic and unhinged, unhelpful, and unhealthy attitude and behavior. No sane person wants to deal with that. Especially when the moderation is so backwards! Itā€™s so bizarre and flip flopped.

I 100% agree! This forum is the best one! And thanks to the mods, this place stays friendly and welcoming rather than justā€¦ being like Facebook šŸ¤¢

Iā€™m glad I ditched fb too. I am not fighting a bunch of snobs over some stupid assumptions, stupid and unrelated things. No more fighting the keyboard warriors lmao
Some people live for drama, and that goes for moderators as well.
Others like to have an atmosphere where people can learn things that give their birds a better life. We are in the second category here, and includes all of the members and moderators.

It boggles my mind to see the responses to people in a drama group, how their drama is more important than a bird's life.

If people would always keep in mind that the bird's life is the most important thing then I think that there would be less drama allowed in the other groups.

I'm really glad that all of y'all found us and stayed:)
Unfortunately I do not believe there is a single place on the internet where you won't run into or come across "snobs". But thankfully there are places with less of them :)

As for the controversial topics, the two mention should not be controversial at all.
I won't state why about wing clipping cause I am not looking to start an argument, even though I truely believe it is a black and white topic with few exceptions.
Pellets are a personal decision and no one can make that choice for you. In fact in the last few days I started serving my bigger parrots some dyed pellets šŸ¤­ I am sure that would horrify many bird owners across the internet, but I don't care cause they don't know me, my birds, or our situation šŸ˜Š

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