Why do people think the leash law doesn’t apply to them?

our new neighbor has a pitbull. The pitbull actually climbed up and over our fence and came into our yard and mauled and killed out cat. :(
I’m so sorry to hear that, and for your loss. Nature is so cruel. My larger parrots that can’t fly I do take outside. I’ve been so scared to leave them unattended even for a few minutes in fear that a predator mammal may take the opportunity.
I’m so sorry to hear that, and for your loss. Nature is so cruel. My larger parrots that can’t fly I do take outside. I’ve been so scared to leave them unattended even for a few minutes in fear that a predator mammal may take the opportunity.
It would be foolish to leave them unattended.
if you are not going to TRAIN and CONTROL your animals you should NOT take them off your proprety and should also have a fenced in airea for your dogs so they can not leave your property... i have 3 small dogs and a fenced in dog yard the outside gate has a combanation lock on it so no one can open the gate to either get into or out of the dog yard.... you can only gain access to it from the house in the back ( my wood shop) in the summer i sometimes take my dogs for walks on my street....not only do they all have leashes the leash handle part is sliped through a roap and then tied around my waist. there is no way they can get away from me and if i loose my grip on there lishes even for a second its still still safe as like i said there leashes are sstill attatched to me via the roap.... i use clothsline roap so i know its strong....it also helps me to keep them under control when i need to sit down....i use a walker with a seat ...... i also carry water with me for them and me and they get water when we sit and rest i try to pay clost attention to all the other dogs and dog walkers on our walks....if i see a dog who seems like its not under control i walk to the other side of the street and put my dogs on the side of the yard and keep myself on the road side so far i havent had any problems
i dont understand people who dont leash there dogs when taking them for walks....even the best behaved dog can see something or hear something and for an instance forget there training thats the purpuse of the leash...to help them maintain there control and training espically when you have a dog whos instantscs is to hunt....or protect i had a germen sheped mix dog i got when someone toss him out there car window with out stopping in front of my house i heard a horrable crying went out to see and there was a bag moving on the road i ran to it and inside was a wee little puppy to young to be awya from its mother we took it to the vet who said there wasnt much hope for him but gave me meds and baby dog furmula to feed him every two hours...not only did he survive but he became the protector of the family....when a salesmen came to the door ad stuck his food in the door to keep me from closing it my dog bit him....another time a friend of my husbands at the time was visiting and he pretended to come at me and the dog backed him stright to the wall teet baring growling hunckles up the man forze ad then told my husbad NOT to do anything to dog he was doing just what he should have done protect his mistress also no one could enter our back yard without me letting them in unless they want to be attacked by my dog...protecting my kids...we had a BIG bewar of dog sign on both the front door and the gate to the bac yard

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