I know I'm catching on to this thread late, but at our last Christmas I only had Sisqo and we had our family Christmas party at our house. We have a huge family, and my parents really wanted me to put Sisqo in my room, but I said absolutely not. I have a delinquent little cousin (about 13) who loves loves loves to torture animals (sick, I kinow..I think he's going to be a serial killer...seriously) and there was no way I was going to put my bird away in my room where my cousin could do any harm to him.
One day when we took my niece to the park I took Sisqo with us...all the kids wanted to touch him, and of course I go the 'Why do you get to hold him and not me?' line a few times. I explained that he didn't like to be pet and that was it.
If I give Sisqo to someone, then he'll behave himself. He won't let strangers take him off his cage though.