so kids are always drawm to birds and when there are a few at my house i always get the can we go see your birds. SO i'm like you can go look but don't touch and go back with them and then they always want to take them out, so i will take the teils out and let them hold misty cuz she won't bite at all. So the other day i had Sidney out and they were like ooh can i pet it and i was like one finger right on his back cuz that's where the stand the least chance of getting bit. Then this other kid walks over and reaches to pet him and i can tell right as he whips around so i out my hand in the way and get the worst most painful bite i've ever gotten from him. In this case it wasn't really the kid's fault just an example of how unpredictable birds can be when they get startled. Sidney is definitly different around me than anyone I've had people that I didn't like that he would just refuse to go to probably cuz he could since I was uneasy and then there's other "animal" people he just loves. However with any of these people he walk all over them because he doesn't respect them like me (just like a 2 year old) LOL
Actually, it's more likely that it's a 'no fault' bite. Birds have eyes on the opposite sides so that they can detect movement (eg, predators). It was the movement of the kid not the fid itself. It was painful because the natural instinct in that situation is to 'fight or fly' or in this case, bite.
On the fid level, action appropriate. Sorry though for your finger!
I know I'm catching on to this thread late, but at our last Christmas I only had Sisqo and we had our family Christmas party at our house. We have a huge family, and my parents really wanted me to put Sisqo in my room, but I said absolutely not. I have a delinquent little cousin (about 13) who loves loves loves to torture animals (sick, I kinow..I think he's going to be a serial killer...seriously) and there was no way I was going to put my bird away in my room where my cousin could do any harm to him.
One day when we took my niece to the park I took Sisqo with us...all the kids wanted to touch him, and of course I go the 'Why do you get to hold him and not me?' line a few times. I explained that he didn't like to be pet and that was it.
If I give Sisqo to someone, then he'll behave himself. He won't let strangers take him off his cage though.