Why do people see parrots as unintelligent?

serious question. people think dogs are smarter which baffles me! pigs are smarter than dogs!

when someone sees a dog do a trick, they are amazed and call the dog smart, but when they see a parrot do the same, they often see it as just a trick.

when you tell someone, a dog is smart, they agree, but when you do the same with an animal with the emotional and cognitive intelligence of a 3+ year old human, they act like you are a mere fool. it just annoys the life out of me and makes me want to claw out my eyes and eat them! why can't people just give psittacines (ESPECIALLY the small ones!) the credit they deserve?
I don't think most people think parrots are unintelligent but there are definitely exceptions. Mostly I hear people commenting on how smart they are. However I think most people are intimidated by parrots because they don't understand them and are intimidated by their formidable beaks. Some strict "dog and cat people" also seem to look down on "bird people" as weirdos. What I really hate is when people act like having a budgie (of course they are parrots, too) for a pet is joke. They don't even know what a budgie is because in the US they call them "parakeets". They're thought of as stupid, cheap birds bought at PetCo for kids who lose interest within weeks that just sit in tiny cages and do nothing but make a mess and lots of noise. Or, they are dumb companions or lonely old women. Budgies just don't get any respect (nor do elderly women). Maybe I'll just sic Rocky on them!
Ok, now I'm jealous!!! I've always wanted to go to Iceland to see those beautiful lights
we have 'em here in alaska too! the only reason ppl move here is because it's pretty and has nice summers haha I doubt anyone would put up with 3-10+ feet of snow (depending on what part of AK you are in) for 6 or 7+ months if there was no reward afterwards!
I don't think most people think parrots are unintelligent but there are definitely exceptions. Mostly I hear people commenting on how smart they are. However I think most people are intimidated by parrots because they don't understand them and are intimidated by their formidable beaks. Some strict "dog and cat people" also seem to look down on "bird people" as weirdos. What I really hate is when people act like having a budgie (of course they are parrots, too) for a pet is joke. They don't even know what a budgie is because in the US they call them "parakeets". They're thought of as stupid, cheap birds bought at PetCo for kids who lose interest within weeks that just sit in tiny cages and do nothing but make a mess and lots of noise. Or, they are dumb companions or lonely old women. Budgies just don't get any respect (nor do elderly women). Maybe I'll just sic Rocky on them!
well, people only seem to think the big parrots like 'toos, macaws, amazons, and greys are smart. anything smaller is just a dumb, personalityless being to them. people treat people who have small parrots as strange and when you talk about your bird, people just pretend to be interested or they just want you to shut up.

I am fortunate enough to have a family that consists primarily of bird people! although they aren't too educated, they often get a book-load of information whenever they come around lol

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