WHY do I do this with myself

We definitely have the addiction. Space is the only thing stopping us, or I swear, the house would be full of birds.
If I ever have the money, I'm going to build the largest parrot sanctuary/rescue in the world. No birds turned away. Enough love for all of them! And I'm going to EDUCATE people on the joys and responsibilities of caring for birds.
I know I sound crazy, but if I ever have the cash, it's happening.

Doesn't sound crazy to me. I would love to do the same.
Doesn't matter if your addicted :) every bird is special in it's own way!
I have 4 parrots and 2 birds for my little sister.
Sunny, Indian ringneck.
Harry, cockatiel
Lora, cockatiel
Cookie (real name: Leo, cookie was a nickname used a lot everyone except me forgot leo's true name)TAG.

Tip: If anyone is planning to get an African grey and has children that want to play with it. I suggest getting a TAG. not a CAG. Timneh accept children's behavior much more than Congo. And they bite less. (Not that I have kids, I wanted a Congo but seeing this Timneh all trained with no one to adopt him, sure enough I got him and oh boy how happy he is now :)
I'm Bird Crazy too... but 1 Pionus, 2 Poicephalus, and 2 Budgies feels like plenty ;)

Sometimes I don't really count the Budgies when counting my parrots, not because I love them less, but they're on the wild side and prefer each other's company and not human interaction.

I would like ONE more parrot no bigger than Raven, but any more than that and it feels like too many for me personally. That being said, I hope that Robin and the Budgies have at least a good 10 more years in them. I don't at this point forsee another bird being able to happen for a while anyway. Life situation changing and dealing with elderly parent in the house, and we'll have to see how it goes before anymore animals are added. Hubby would really like a bird of his OWN someday too.

I guess I'm weird. I don't feel compelled to rescue every one that I can, even though I acknowledge there are many sad cases out there. I just focus on the ones I do have, and tell myself these are the lucky birdies, and have my main goal of striving to keep them happy and healthy as possible.
My problem is that every species brings a different relationship and that's why I'd love to have a grey and a mac, etc., but then I remember how little time I have to spend with the birds I already have and it brings me back to reality. If I had a bigger house and I worked from home I'm not sure I'd be able to resist. I'd probably have every African bird out there.

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