why did you name your bird that name!?

When I rescued Kiwi they had her name as "Kitty" I wasn't thrilled about it so my husband suggested Kiwi. I wasn't thrilled however since he said that a Kiwi is a flightless bird and "kitty" had such a harsh short clip we decided that it worked.
My cag Dorothy got her name because while waiting for her to come home I went through hundreds of names of which no one in the house could agree on. My daughter then said why don't you name her Dorothy, instead of ruby red slippers she has a ruby red tail. It stuck, we all loved it!
Moses my new greenwing baby got his name because when I saw him he was so big that I just thought of Moses. It sounded like a big name. Now when we greet him we say "holy Moses!" we are hoping he starts saying this!
Odin came with his name. Not something I would have ever thought to name him but its different and I like it.
Loki - he came with that name and it was also the type of name I would give one of my pets. Plus it completely fits him!

Sugar - her name originally was Dragon, but I was not having ANY of that!! I wouldn't let my bearded dragon just be called dragon, so I certainly wouldn't allow a bird to be called that. I thought of multiple names but could not find anything that suited. I just kept going back to the name Sugar, which was the name of the very first Goffin's I had ever met (belonged to my Vet in NY). Since there's almost a 0 percent chance of going back, we didn't see the harm in using the name in honor of the original Sugar. And it fits our Sugar quite well!
Scooter was called "George" at the pet shop -- we didn't fancy that. All my husband's previous birds had been named after alcoholic beverages (Tequila, Ron Rico, etc.) so we kept bandying ideas around while at the same time calling him Scooter as a nickname. Before we had selected a name for him, he popped out with "Scoo-bird" one day, so Scooter it was.

Scotty is named after Death Valley Scotty. We got him shortly after my husband completed an attempt at the Badwater Ultramarathon course (135 miles. Death Valley. August. starts below sea level, finishes at Whitney Portal). He wanted a Death Valley name and we got him a large Kings Aluminum cage, so he became Scotty and his home Scotty's Castle.

Blanco flew up to us the same day my husband's acquaintance, Micah True aka Caballo Blanco, went missing on a trail run. Micah's body was recovered several days later, and we named the bird "Caballo Blanco" in his honor. Which leaves me explaining to people frequently why we have a whitefaced cockatiel named "White Horse".
when I first met my qp and he stepped up on my finger the first thing I said was what a sweetie pie and the name stuck. When we got Tiki my african redbellied they said he was a male and his name was Chompers, that didn't work for me WE found out she was a girl so I named her Tiki because of her soft pastel type colors. The last one my yellow sided green cheek conure has so many pretty colors she reminded me of a plate of tropical fruit so I named her Chiquita. And my canary Lucas got his name because I was trying to think of a boys name Mathew, Mark, Luke which became Lucas after one of hubby's favorite old western The Rifleman:D
Vino came with her name but her original family named her that because of the "wine coloured" patches on her shoulders :)
Scarlet was named that becouse of all the red and my favorite movie of all time Gone with the wind. She has the temper and determination of Scarlet O'Hara.

Jax was gonna be Jackson, our home town. I just shortened it to Jax

Nappy got her name because when I met her right after she hatched she had one lil nappy fuzz on her head.
My first bird, red-rumped grass keet, Pandora Neotheus (Panda for short):
We were stuck between the names neo, (because of his bright colours) panda and oxnard (From hamtaro). We liked neo because it means new and he was our first bird, he was neopheoma species and he has bright colouring. So I made it his last name. I really wanted panda as his first cause It was something easy to say when training him. (And he just looked all cuddly and fat like a panda xP)

My next bird, albino budgerigar Aura (Auri): She was just the tiniest little white thing I had ever seen so I knew she would need something soft, light and angelic.

Alexandrine, Aslan'akai:
I came across the name Aslan (like from narnia) and loved it, alexandrines have always seemed so noble and brave looking. Like little spunky knights. I had to add on 'akai since my dog is called Aztec, and they couldn't both be Azzy. Aslan's nick name is Kai.
i named my new cockatiel Frodo ( for now because i think he's male he's just 2 months old) well because i just love to say Mr. Frooouudoo Mr. Frooudoo like Sam in the LotR movies :D
but if she's a she im going for Liz it's a nice name imo
The first name i came up with for my gw was zonk and i got lots of flack for that. It was original and cute to me. Then the breeder was asking me about places and things i liked and i loved my trip to Alaska and especially the kenai Peninsula (a vary beautiful place) and when i said Kenai he fluffed up and looked at me so it stuck.
Alice- I needed something proper and old fashioned for my demure, sweet girl.
Dingo- A feisty feral Australian dog for a feisty "feral" Australian budgie!
Darwin- After Charles Darwin. He's got the same chops.
Beattle- I just like the word, but he's got these great big bug eyes. I accidentally spelled it wrong originally, but now I like my spelling so I'm keeping it. :rolleyes:
Squirrel- Needed something unisex, and he's squirrely!
I named Molly just because the name came to mind.

As for Cody, he was about 4-5 weeks old when I purchased him and would visit him twice a week in the bird store until he was weened. I noticed he was making little noises and they sounded like beeps. I thought of MORSE CODE but I was not going to call him Morris and they Cody popped in my head. So Cody it is!
Pritti actually had a different name, but he started to respond to "pretty" as his name because we usually addressed him "hello pretty" "pretty bird" etc., so that's what HE thinks his name is. Hence "Pritti".
All three of my macaws had names when I got them. "Doogie" my Catalina was named after Doogie Howser as his first owner was my family doctor. Kayko said his name and when got him at age 20 they did not know if it was a he or a she. I don't know what Kayko means or even if I am spelling it correctly, but that is how I spell it. Clifford the Scarlet likewise was named before I got him. I wasn't crazy about the name to begin with, but it grew on me. He was obviously named after Clifford the Big Red Dog; a TV cartoon. I have fantisized about names I would name birds if I should ever add to my flock. There is a tendency to name macaws old men's names. If I should ever get a Greenwing he will be Howard. If I every have a Military, he will be Signal. If I ever have a Hyacinth he will be Liberty. If I ever have a Moluccan Cockatoo it will be Peachy (they called me Peachy when I was a baby)
I named my catalina jolene after the dolly parton song b/c i'm a huge dolly parton fan
When I worked at PetsMart and we got Con in, she didn't have a name until she went on the floor for sale. They were trying to call her Sherm or something and I didn't like it but was too new to know I could toss my own name idea out for consideration. After she stole my heart, I called her (thought she was a he at the time) Con short for Conure until someone else heard me call her that and Constantine popped up in my head when they asked why Con.

Barker's original owner named her Nufee which means something in Hawaiian cause she supposedly came from a breeder there. I like original names but really disliked that. While my best friend and I chatted with he rescue guy, her and her two cagemates sat on their perch barking at us and I said "Jeez you're such a little barker!". On the way home, my best friend and I tried out names (I wanted Thistle) but I kept coming back to Barker and it stuck. Now she's BarkBark, BarkerButt, and BarkerBabe.

I don't know what the Macaw pair are named yet but I'm most likely going to change them to Squalo (an anime character from a favorite series) and Rue cause I think it's a sweet, gentle name.
Odin came with his name. Not something I would have ever thought to name him but its different and I like it.
Lucy-sun conure- Lucile Ball, I Love Lucy.

Maggie came with that name. Wish I could change it, but she's two plus years old. Probably too late.
We had 4 names we were keen on, but all loved the name Mishka
I always mentioned to my two guys, Mishka is a special gift.
Low and behold, when looking up the meaning, it means a gift from God.

I thank God every day, for the most precious beautiful gift he gave us.

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My ten year old daughter named our peach-faced lovebird Basil because "his wings look like big leaf basil and his little green feathers look like Sicilian basil"...her words and she's absolutely right.

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