Why 'companion' versus 'pet'


Jul 11, 2013
Remember the argument what difference does it make what you call them and my answer explaining that it's more than just the power of words, that's it's also the legal implications behind the change? Well, if dogs were not property under the law, this man could be punished but, as it is, he can't be charged with animal cruelty even though he is obviously a monster.

Man Accused of Blowing Up Dog Not Charged With Animal Cruelty - ABC News
Oh I have SUCH a knot in my stomach now. :(


Truly a time I believe in "an eye for an eye". :mad:
Yea I saw this disturbing piece of news yesterday too. I also saw Christie signed "Patrick's Law", increasing fines for animal cruelty. In my opinion, it is still a minor punishment. And yes, it is partly because they are not protected as individuals, only property. I try my best to maintain a positive, 'just be nice' attitude, but I admit that I try to suppress a certain hatred I feel deep inside at such unthinkable cruelty.
That's just sick. I'm glad the animal didn't suffer though. I can't imagine, his relationship with his daughter is ruined I'm sure. What a sicko.

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