why are some conures different colors yet same conure?


New member
Aug 9, 2015
for example people say 'normal GCC' - but i seen normal gcc that have way differnet colors on the chest



also i see some yellow sided conures that look like their whole body been tie dyed, with all kinds of different colors, then others are more plain but still yellow sided :S

it gets confusing lol...so what does a NORMAL green cheek conure look like? are they different colors mutations? can 2 mutant conures have a normal baby?
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i see, wow there are so many different ones!!! i guess its best not to stress it and just be happy with the one i got :D I like the way he looks, its not super fancy or too colorful, but i feel he is a good balance of plain and fancy looking.

initially i wanted a normal GCC like jaques owned by youtube video game reviewer Jontron, but i couldn't find a single one like him :( but its ok technically they are all still conures right? also jontron got a cinammon conure now though he doesn't use her in his videos.

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