Why are my parrot feathers like this?

Lack of Vitamin A and D are the most common causes for poor feather health. Make sure he's eating a variety of fresh vegetables daily and spending regular time in the sun (I understand that you might not be able to take him outside, but try to do it if the opportunity arises).
I have never seen anything like that.
I know that doesn’t help you but it doesn’t look like barbering.

As a little kid I “got into” a mountain of dead car batteries
My clothes looked a little like your parrots feathers after that little adventure.

I go see an avian vet.
They almost look like dying plant leaves. Do you think it might be a very young bird whose baby feathers are just worn and ready to molt?
I am guessing here, but reading around, I think some type of feather eating mite, check out the link below. Even though its chickens being discussed the damage looks similar. In any case a trip to your Certified Avian Vet is in order here. I would not trust this to a regular dog/cat vet.

Tell us more about you your bird. What kind of parrot? How old? How long have you had him? Diet? Behavior? Last time he melted? Any other birds? The more information the better we can help.
YEs a lack of Sun ..Open curtains and let Sun come in...Try to let your baby get sun and make sure you do not leave cage where bird might get over heated and bath at least every 2-3 weeks...Or Spray your Birthday with Spring Water in a Spray Bottle...I would warm the water and see how He reacts ...My Neighbor has a bird that looks like that ..She puts Him in the shower with Her ...Please no soap .. Plain water 🤣
YEs a lack of Sun ..Open curtains and let Sun come in...Try to let your baby get sun and make sure you do not leave cage where bird might get over heated and bath at least every 2-3 weeks...Or Spray your Birthday with Spring Water in a Spray Bottle...I would warm the water and see how He reacts ...My Neighbor has a bird that looks like that ..She puts Him in the shower with Her ...Please no soap .. Plain water 🤣
If your neighbor puts her bird in the shower with her (great fun idea) why do the feathers look so bad?
If your neighbor puts her bird in the shower with her (great fun idea) why do the feathers look so bad?
Her bird looks Beautiful because she puts him in the shower with her also she keeps His wings clipped and brings the bird outside during Family gatherings....This bird looks like my neighbor...with the exemption of feather issues 😉
But once the feathers are damaged like this they are like our hair- dead. I assume the idea is to prevent damage like this for the next batch of feathers, right?
But once the feathers are damaged like this they are like our hair- dead. I assume the idea is to prevent damage like this for the next batch of feathers, right?
I would give my bird a bath in the sink with a sprayer with warm water. At least every 2 weeks .dead feathers fall out ..new ones grow...and sun...but do not leave your bird unattended by a window to overheat
I thought that sun through a window defeats the purpose of the whole thing.
Window glass blocks most UV light, the birds need direct unfiltered sunlight is what is needed.

Or am I missing something.

Don’t get me wrong.
My birds only get sun through windows and have never suffered feathers like this.
Not even after 30 years of no direct sun.

The idea of mites sounds (and looks) more likely (as Wrench mentioned).
Correct about window glass blocking UV light. I keep a full spectrum light about 1-1/2 ft from Salty's cage and his feathers look fine. He's rarely outside.
I thought that sun through a window defeats the purpose of the whole thing.
Window glass blocks most UV light, the birds need direct unfiltered sunlight is what is needed.

Or am I missing something.

Don’t get me wrong.
My birds only get sun through windows and have never suffered feathers like this.
Not even after 30 years of no direct sun.

The idea of mites sounds (and looks) more likely (as Wrench mentioned).
It is more healthy Sun Rays coming through window then people think...My Cockatiel could not grow tail feathers until I started taking Him out of the cage which He has access to getting in and out of His cage but He was not getting enough Sun..I started letting Him sit in a area by the Patio doors and place his food and water their out of his cage just in case he gets hot...He could move from the area ..He has a beautiful tail now getting Sun through the window like plants....Full Spectrum lights work too....Another Alternative so Our Babies can get Sun 🌞 Just watch them and make sure they never get overheated and can access to move away from these heated areas 😁
It is more healthy Sun Rays coming through window then people think...My Cockatiel could not grow tail feathers until I started taking Him out of the cage which He has access to getting in and out of His cage but He was not getting enough Sun..I started letting Him sit in a area by the Patio doors and place his food and water their out of his cage just in case he gets hot...He could move from the area ..He has a beautiful tail now getting Sun through the window like plants....Full Spectrum lights work too....Another Alternative so Our Babies can get Sun 🌞 Just watch them and make sure they never get overheated and can access to move away from these heated areas 😁
Again...this are outside birds their Feathers need water... They need a bird bath in the sink or shower for their feather health...My baby loves a shower in the sink with running water.. Afterwards I turn the heater on near his cage again watching Him until He dries...so He will not overheat or get chilled
I thought that sun through a window defeats the purpose of the whole thing.
Window glass blocks most UV light, the birds need direct unfiltered sunlight is what is needed.

Or am I missing something.

Don’t get me wrong.
My birds only get sun through windows and have never suffered feathers like this.
Not even after 30 years of no direct sun.

The idea of mites sounds (and looks) more likely (as Wrench mentioned).
I looked up that mite infestation and Wow! It looks awful for the poor bird! I somehow wonder how a captuve born and raised parrot could get it but perhaps an owner, current or previous, had backyard chickens. A lot of people in rural snd semirural areas have them where I live. Chickens are so cute and they give you eggs so I'm tempted but I don't need any more birds to take care of and worry about!
The pictures of feathers I saw online look different from the OP's bird's feathers, however. The pictures looked more like feathers were cut off and OPs look more like crumbling from the tips, but I know nothing about it.
Tell us more about you your bird. What kind of parrot? How old? How long have you had him? Diet? Behavior? Last time he melted? Any other birds? The more information the better we can help.
IF you are really worried take your bird to the Bird Doctor...I always do the basic...good quality food enriched with vitamins ...sun..bath
It is more healthy Sun Rays coming through window then people think...My Cockatiel could not grow tail feathers until I started taking Him out of the cage which He has access to getting in and out of His cage but He was not getting enough Sun..I started letting Him sit in a area by the Patio doors and place his food and water their out of his cage just in case he gets hot...He could move from the area ..He has a beautiful tail now getting Sun through the window like plants....Full Spectrum lights work too....Another Alternative so Our Babies can get Sun 🌞 Just watch them and make sure they never get overheated and can access to move away from these heated areas 😁
I think you are right.
Window-sun doesn’t do “no good” but it just has to be less useful than unfiltered sunlight.

My YNA Bingo is the only bird I take out for trips other than the veterinary office. But the weather is either too hot, too cold, or too windy.
When the stars and planets align and I can coax him into his travel carrier he loves it.

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