Who has button quail?


Aug 21, 2012
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Jack- 5 year old pacific parrotlet
I've been in love with button quail for years now, (I love tiny birds, Jack is a testament to this!) and am thinking its finally the right time to get them. I've done some preliminary research, but still have some questions.
-How many quail do I need? Can they be kept alone?
-Do males or females make better pets?
-What's the best feed for quail?
-Are they skittish, or is it possible to acclimate them to be tame?
If anyone has kept quail or knows of any resources, I'd be thrilled.
I've had buttons five years and love my little guys. Their morning calls are just the best. They wake up the parrots in the morning.

-How many quail do I need? Can they be kept alone?
You should get them in a pair, they don't do great alone. They spend all their time calling for another.

-Do males or females make better pets?
Sex doesn't seem to affect how well they do but make sure you get a male and female pair. Two males tend to pick on each other or outright fight. We did have two brothers live together but they were raised together since hatching. Two females might be ok, I've never tried it.

-What's the best feed for quail?
Parakeet feed or mix it 60/40 with chicken mash is better. They also like to peck at fresh fruit or veggies but mine have been fussy. They love clover and celery leaves.

-Are they skittish, or is it possible to acclimate them to be tame?
Very skittish, just small game birds. They straight up when scared. You need their cage to either have a fine wire top or have padding. They are known for breaking their necks. They also ar bonded so that if one dies its partner usually follows soon after. Our only tame quail was a single hatchling that only had humans for company for several months. She would tolerate being held but only for short times.
I've had buttons five years and love my little guys. Their morning calls are just the best. They wake up the parrots in the morning.

-How many quail do I need? Can they be kept alone?
You should get them in a pair, they don't do great alone. They spend all their time calling for another.

-Do males or females make better pets?
Sex doesn't seem to affect how well they do but make sure you get a male and female pair. Two males tend to pick on each other or outright fight. We did have two brothers live together but they were raised together since hatching. Two females might be ok, I've never tried it.

-What's the best feed for quail?
Parakeet feed or mix it 60/40 with chicken mash is better. They also like to peck at fresh fruit or veggies but mine have been fussy. They love clover and celery leaves.

-Are they skittish, or is it possible to acclimate them to be tame?
Very skittish, just small game birds. They straight up when scared. You need their cage to either have a fine wire top or have padding. They are known for breaking their necks. They also ar bonded so that if one dies its partner usually follows soon after. Our only tame quail was a single hatchling that only had humans for company for several months. She would tolerate being held but only for short times.

Pictures! Please?!
I don't have many pictures on this device, at least not the best ones.

This was Missy Quail our first. She was an only hatchling and was friendly. Here she is about an inch and a half long.


This is her full grown.


She and her mate successfully brooded 5 babies. You can see one peeking out. They are the size of bumblebees when they hatch.
How precious!
I wish the Rickeybird would let me have a few!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They make me think of Whipoorwills or Nightjars ...
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