Which parrots are most underrated and overrated

Cockatiels & budgies are underrated and I own both. I really love the idea of owning a lovebird and finding out first hand how underrated they are but I don't think I have the time and energy to have a third cage and fourth bird so my flock will stay as is.
Speaking conures, I think Jenday conures are WAY underrated compared to the Suns. There's really no difference between the two of them except coloring. Also underrated I think are Red Bellied parrots- one of mine I believe is nearly as intelligent as an African Grey! Also, underrated are your cute little lovebirds who have a big bird mentality stuffed into a tiny body. I think they are awesome little birds and my fav of the littles.

Overrated - I'm not sure but a lot of people seem to have GCCs.
I'd say budgies are easily the most underrated: One Phrase Leads to Another - YouTube

Wow. I never get tired of watching Disco's videos.

Also underrated, in my opinion, are eclectus parrots. Their intelligence is astronomical, they're great talkers, and tend to be very even tempered. Dream bird, far as I'm concerned.

If that's 100% real.... holy hell... that parakeet talks better than....pretty much any bird I've ever seen, except maybe a Gray. :eek:

Budgies can be amazing. People just don't realize it. Most bird people aren't interested in something so small and "seemingly" insignificant. From what I hear, it seems that there is a higher likelihood a budgie will talk, if they are bonded to a human, otherwise they probably feel no need to speak in anything but their own language. Upon being bonded with a budgie, or even observing them very closely, you will see that they really are little Psittacines, or parrots with all the potential there. Not flying mice lol.

From Wikipedia: The budgerigar, or common parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus), are popular talking-bird species because of their potential for large vocabularies, ease of care and well-socialized demeanor.[22] Between 1954 and 1962, a budgerigar named Sparkie Williams held the record for having the largest vocabulary of a talking bird; at his death, he knew 531 words and 383 sentences.[3] In 1995, a budgerigar named Puck was credited by Guinness World Records as having the largest vocabulary of any bird, at 1,728 words.[23]
My budgie had a much larger vocabulary than Gil and was actually better trained in many ways. They are fantastic birds! So often purchased as decorations. :(
Sadly price seems to relate to "value" more than it should....in many areas of life.
In my area this one guy that sells birds . Always have a large number of {Greys} and they all sell quickly . Their the one species here that I see on craigslist the most . I think theres to much expectation with them [ and obviously the lack of effort]. I have 25 in my flock and the one species that surprises me is my Lorries .Both have extra locks on their cages [cause they break out]. One was even trying to open up the the rest of the birds cages when she got out !!! Their very smart and you should hear them talk !!!! Can take apart toys even though their beaks are not made for opening seeds. I think Zons are the species that has everything rolled into one . I wish I could say I was a "Zon person" but I dont read them as well as my others . I have 2 a bluefrnt and Double yellow hd [which I think are my favorite]. But if you want a best friend ,Macaws are the way to go :).
I agree that pionus are way underrated. I have had three, and even the two "wild" ones were smart, quiet, level headed, hard to fluster, adaptable and sociable birds. My Mel is very much the same, plus determined, intelligent and still learning new words and phrases at 12 years old.
I love my Pionus too. I can't think of a more low maintenance parrot of their size. Definitely underrated. Although Bronze Winged males have a reputation for being a bit cantankerous (Raven does live up to that, he's pretty moody), still he is so undemanding, independent, and will just go with the flow when needed.
I think mature male double yellow heads are given a bad reputation and generalized as aggressive making them underrated. Yes, they have their moments but they are also loving, cuddly and so cute!

I whole-heartedly agree! And I got the scars to prove it! :D (Kidding about the second sentence....)
I reckon the ringnecks are underrated, but like all parrots - they need to be in the right hands to have their potential unleashed. And as always, the budgies and tiels often have their potential quashed.

Here, we don't have GCC's, but there are a few Nandays/Suns/Peachfronts/Maroon bellieds around. I'm not sure there's much overrated in NZ, simply because you've got to pay crazy amounts for anything that's not budgie or tiel.
I'm expecting to get shot for this...

I honestly think white cockatoos are over rated. When individuals new to the bird community think of a cuddly, emotional, best-friends-for-life-kinda-bird, they immediately think a big ol' white cockatoo because of YouTube videos or stories from others who have well loved, well adjusted, and well balanced cockatoos that they put years of work into. And when people want a big cuddly bird (because apparently small birds aren't good cuddlers :rolleyes: ), the first thing they want is a U2. Or so it seems.

Birds that are underrated? Sooo many! But I'm not sure I could pin just one. I think there's a lot of species that don't get the credit they're due. I think one species that doesn't get recognized enough for being loving birds are the ringnecks, so I agree with Itchy and Dani on this. They're not for the "feint of heart", but my goodness do they ever soak up love from everything they possibly can - be that toys, birds, stuffies, people, or other inanimate objects. Their intelligence and potential to be an amazing companion is often skimmed over because of their high pitched and helium-like voices.

Another species I think is underrated are definitely the pionus birds. My boyfriend and I actually first became interested in parrots because we saw the most beautiful white capped pionus at the pet store climbing upside down along the top of his cage. They have so much to offer but you rarely see them because they aren't the "voracious talkers" other birds of their size can be. I think their quiet and easy going disposition makes them an awesome bird. Plus they have such beautiful, beautiful feather colours!

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