Which one doesn't belong


Active member
Dec 23, 2016
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Sulphur crested cockatoo
Nothing and nothing...hmmm haha
There is nothing posted, as far as I can tell lol

EDIT- took FOREVER to load on my computer! Now I see it-- is that a chicken or a turkey buzzard (excuse my ignorance, but with the image as it is, I am having trouble discerning the type of LARGE bird on the top of the feeder stand lol)
It is a guinea fowl. I think it is a male. He showed up a couple weeks ago. Likes to hang around my back door looking in at my cockatoo.

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I love guineas. better watch dogs than my furry kids.

i agree probably male from the second pic.
LOL that is hilarious...Romeo and Juliet...without the unhappy ending....and with a windowpane instead of rival families.... lol
Guinea Rooster: "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and this Cockatoo is the sun."
Lol. He's a real player. I see him spending a lot of time grazing with the ground hog that lives under my shed.

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