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Kahlua’s Mom

New member
Nov 15, 2024
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I currently have a Goffin Cockatoo, believed to be female… is 22 yrs old and has been owned by me. Here name is Kahlua. She does talk, dances to music and loves head scratches.
Hello Everyone,

I used to belong to a parrot forum 20 years ago. Anyway, I own a Goffin Cockatoo. Never had her tested but I believe she is a female. Is there anywhere on this forum that I can re-home her? If so, please let me know where. Thanks for the help.
Welcome to the forums @Kahlua’s Mom. For rehoming, you can refer to our "Adoptions/Rehoming" sub-forum, which you can access via the link below...

Please bear in mind that we don't allow personal contact details to be published on the open forum. We do have a private messaging service that runs alongside the forums, which you will be able to access once you've amassed 10 messages on the open forum, so if anyone does express an interest in adopting, any member of the Mod team will be happy to relay messages on your behalf. :)

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