- Oct 23, 2015
- 4,303
- 5,546
- Parrots
- 1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Of the "Hot 3" I only have one. Bingo my YNA.
I got him at about a year old and love him to pieces.
Can he be aggressive ? you bet. When he is like the best thing to do is ...
Don't handle him. don't aggravate him. Just let him be till he calms down.
He can be very affectionate and cuddle with me when he feels like it.
He talks but does not sing. He is most vocal when my wife is on the phone. He will imitate tone of voice and some words. He really makes it hard to carry on a conversation when he wants to "help".
My spelling is awulful LOL. I am always asking my wife to spell stuff.
Bingo has picked up on this and when my wife spells something he will chime in with E's and Y's and for some reason 0's(zeroes).
As far as hormones go he goes into that mode most strongly in December and the beginning of January. The biggest changes in his behavior are(is).
Trying to mate with my hand. And change of attitude from friendly to rip your face off.
extra care is required when handling him and if you are carful you will be ok.
It only takes one time of taking for granted that he will step up not looking at his eyes or tail and then you have to head for the medicine cabinet.
I got him at about a year old and love him to pieces.
Can he be aggressive ? you bet. When he is like the best thing to do is ...
Don't handle him. don't aggravate him. Just let him be till he calms down.
He can be very affectionate and cuddle with me when he feels like it.
He talks but does not sing. He is most vocal when my wife is on the phone. He will imitate tone of voice and some words. He really makes it hard to carry on a conversation when he wants to "help".
My spelling is awulful LOL. I am always asking my wife to spell stuff.
Bingo has picked up on this and when my wife spells something he will chime in with E's and Y's and for some reason 0's(zeroes).
As far as hormones go he goes into that mode most strongly in December and the beginning of January. The biggest changes in his behavior are(is).
Trying to mate with my hand. And change of attitude from friendly to rip your face off.
extra care is required when handling him and if you are carful you will be ok.
It only takes one time of taking for granted that he will step up not looking at his eyes or tail and then you have to head for the medicine cabinet.