Hi! I'm a sort of new bird owner who has decided to get another bird. Right now, I live with my family and we have a quaker parrot named Sasha! Things went so well with Sasha, that my parents are letting me get another bird, and I can't decide out of a kakariki or a red rumped parrot. We live near a very reputable breeder of both birds so that's not a problem, but i would greatly appreciate for you to help me with the pro's and con's of these birds. I've done much research on both species, but there isn't a good, bad and ugly on either species from owners with real experience who tell me the downsides instead of just the upsides.
I also specifically decided on those two birds as they are relatively quiet, so if I move into an apartment I won't annoy the neighbours.
I also specifically decided on those two birds as they are relatively quiet, so if I move into an apartment I won't annoy the neighbours.