Where to buy an Eclectus breeder, WA?


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Jan 28, 2025
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Does anyone know a reliable Eclectus breeder in Greater Seattle area, WA?
I’m thinking of getting a male Eclectus.

This is my green little monster. Yes, he is adorable despite his feather plucking issues.

I wouldn’t recommend him as a pet. I will say why below. Please keep in mind that Ekkie personalities will vary.

He bites very hard. No, he doesn’t bite me as he picked me as his favorite person. He bites EVERYONE else. If you are a man he will seek you out to bite. His diet is perplexing. He’s hormonal, and try’s to mate with me & other objects. He regurgitates all over everything. He’s loud when he screams. His feather plucking behavior is more common in his species. He never wants to please me like my dogs. He has to have a lot of attention (daily) or he won’t be friendly. He doesn’t like loud noises, and will become overstimulated if exposed to loud noises consistently. He doesn’t like small children, and especially screams at them. Vet bills are expensive, and finding a vet to examine a parrot is a chore in itself. When I go on vacation he has to come, or be watched. He can’t just sit in his cage for days on end. I adopted Nico so I did get him essentially for free. The up front costs for his cage, vet, and such added up in the thousands the first few months I had him. I really would suggest a cat or dog over any parrot.

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