Where do you put veggie/fruit bowl in cage


New member
Sep 11, 2011
Lynchburg, VA
Vos Eclectus - male - Simon
YN Amazon - female - Lamont
Simon has got to be the messiest eater ever - LOL - I am constantly (daily sometimes more than once) cleaning off the walls/floor around his cage because he makes such a mess with his fresh fruits and veggies!

I was thinking about getting one of the perches that has the bowl at the end of it - I have also considered putting his bowl in the center of the bottom of his cage (sometimes he plays down there with toys that have fallen or eyes the newspaper below the grate).

how about a foraging toy hung from the middle of the cage? I have a stainless one, it's great! That way he has to work for it and will only get one at a time~
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He does not eat with his feet yet - he is only 4 months - is basically dig in lol - I do hide some food in the foraging toys but he drops a lot of them and I am worried that he will not get enough :)
I cover the walls around the outside of Ruby's cage with plastic shower curtains. you can take them down and wash them in the washing machine to clean them and they protect your walls from the food they sling. I use clear so it isnt tacky lloking in my den. In my bird room for all the other birds I have, I use brightly colored ones to add variety to their scenery. Works great !
Ahhh, you've been indoctrinated into one of the first chores of a bird slave. I guess nobody warned you that virtually all birds figure out a way to avoid Miss Manners' Table Etiquette Class and by the time the new slave realizes it it's too late.....

If there's a possibility of staining of the walls, you might find a nice looking shower curtain hung over target areas may help your cause.....probably two would be a good idea, that way you would have a fresh one to hang while the other is scheduled for an appointment with the laundry.

You'll find that many birds like to practice their bombing techniques whenever a good target is provided, hence, placing food and/or water bowls below perch level is not really a good idea.....as you can probably see.....

Sorry Boysmom, was typing while you were posting, wasn't trying to upstage you.........but we can say great minds think alike :)
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I have an Amazon and she is very neat and rarely is anything outside of her cage - I guess I got lucky!!!

Simon on poops in one spot so the bowl in the bottom of the cage will work - I tried it tonight and he seemed to really like it! I am going to order the perch with the bowl at the end though.

I really do not want to hang shower curtains behind his cage....I will just clean everyday if need be :)
Poe doesn't often fling, but when he does, it's always blueberries or cherries or something that stains anything it touches!!
BEST thing I've found is I use a budgie bird-bath as a feeding protector. It's by "Insight" and sits in place of food bowls. The clear body hangs out of the cage, and Poe loves looking out even when there's no food in it.
I put his food inside and so when he flicks his head, it just hits the "bubble" top and can be wipes off in seconds. Best fluke-find ever!

Here's an image:
Bird Bath | Bathe Parrot | Bird Cage Bird bath
I put their fresh food dishes on top of their cages (unless I'm going out and then they're in the bowl holders in the cage) and have clear shower curtains under and behind their cages, except Lexi's, haven't gotten her's yet
I put fresh fruit and veggies on the top of the cage, my parrot too, makes a lot of mess.

Have you thought about getting a no mess bird feeder? I know they are made for seeds but fruit and veggies will work too.

Here's what it looks like


That is what gave me the idea for using the bird bath, except the bird bath was $17 from a PetO and the clean-feeder unit is A LOT more. In Australia at least.
Since one of mine eats/kills plastic curtains... I have some secondhand doors from a large IKEAwardrobe (glasspanelled sliding type) behind the cage.
So I have a light grey-japanese-sliding-door-theme going.

Glas wipes down a lot easier than wallpaper ;)

Just one problem: now I need a third - and this type is not in production anymore... some interesting odds to beat...


I really like the no-mess-feeders (of course they do not fit my cages)
you have a clear vieuw of you bird snacking away - always fun!
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I put her bowls level with her perches (1 bowl on the left wall and 2 on the right). The perches and bowls do not have anything like toys directly below them because I don't want her going down to the floor and messing with poop etc due to added allure (and I don't want her pooping on toys/food etc). I wouldn't put food below perches (poop issue) and I would assume that anything directly under the food bowl would also be bad due to the splatter/fling eating tendencies among or feathered friends.

I give really messy food (blackberries etc) in specific locations----make sure you have mats downs ahead of time (plastic carpet covers work well, as they are cheap and can be cut to shape----I think they are technically called "carpet protectors"---just let them off-gas for like 24-48 hours before putting them inside, as they do have a smell hen first unwrapped (when new, I also wipe with vinegar and water before placing in the sun for a few days)
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