when will Martini stop being so *darn* nippy??

Awesome Beth! I have to remind myself of that too. They pick up on when we are rushed and seem to move too fast. I move fast normally without even realizing it (which is why I'm such a klutz). All my life, people have asked if I'm nervous. I say "WHAT do you mean?! I'm NOT nervous!" Then I'd think about it, and say wow, I don't want to "look" nervous when I'm not. I better do something about it. In recent years I've been "training" myself to just slow down...
OH sorry, OT! Anyway Beth, I'm glad you noticed that and had a little breakthrough :)
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shirre- a too pruning eyelashes!!??...now that must be a sight to see, haha. you have guts Shirre, to let a beak that size near your eyes, that is fantastic that you show trust in her.
my lovebird Halo prunes mine and you are right it tickles!

Julie- I know what u mean, I too am guilty of rushing around. when my son was born, later on we found out he was autistic, so I forced myself to slow down, mainly for him.

I guess Martini didn't like our 'approach', I was thinking about it today, going over what I do with her, step by step, I realized maybe it was ME who was causing this.

Tonight I've been in and out of the bedroom feeding all my birds, and each time Martini would fly over to me, we would chat a little bit, (with her beak open, but not lunging) and then she bows her head for scritches....just like last time.
the BEST part is I asked her for kisses, and she kissed me ever so gently!....well, I was thrilled!!! so the evening ended in a great way!

on another note, she is so well behaved with all of my birds. not one type is afraid of her, and she is fitting in perfectly :)
Lol I was pretty nervous the first time she did it --but I figured what the heck 😏 lol she's only done it a few times total so far though, but sometimes you gotta do things to take that bond to the next level (but there still has to be a certain level of trust). I still get nervous when she does it, but that's mainly because I can't watch her body language when I've got my eyes closed!! LOL.

I'm glad you're having those sweet moments with her- birdy kisses are the best!!!! :)
yup :)oh for sure they are the best....much better than being bit any day ;)
Yay! I am so glad that taking things slower are giving you better results. :)
me too labell, although she beaked me pretty good about 1/2 hour ago....I still think 9/10 times is excellent progress :)
Good luck, I have had Tiki for better than 3 years and she still can be nippy or pinchy. They are known for being tempermental at times. But I have found that Tiki got more nippy and down right viciously biting when we got Mac. But after Mac left, Tiki has been one of the sweetest birds, except every now and then no matter how good she has been, she will still get in a good little pinch every now and then just to keep us on our toes.

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