When I first pictured myself with a macaw, this is what I pictured :)


New member
Jun 18, 2013
Glendale, AZ
My beautiful SI Eclectus Zephyr and my handsome B&G macaw Vandal, daughter's Sun Conure Loki and son's GCC Blaze
Baby was not super loud today as he usually is! I was amazed.. almost didn't recognize him :p

Anyway, at first he really seemed to want to play and was feeling quite active. I caught a quick video of him flapping his wings. This is a new thing for him.
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7q1GZBdg3o&feature=youtu.be"]Baby macaw flaps his wings - YouTube[/ame]

After he flapped himself into tiredness he rolled over on his back in my arms! Which is exactly what I was dreaming of when I imagined myself with a macaw.


I about died watching him. He stayed on his back in my arms for nearly an hour and a half. Here's a video of him making sweet little noises while in my arms.
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aRt9cTbSKM&feature=youtu.be"]Baby macaw snuggles on his back - YouTube[/ame]

He fell asleep like that, and kept wanting to hold my finger in his birdy-hand.



I just can't get over his super sweet face.


I did manage to snap one picture of him playing, rather than lazing in my arms.


Bringing myself to leave was just awful, but hubby broke his phone and we needed to get to the phone store before it closed.

And in other exciting news (although nothing is more exciting than the thorough snuggling I got today), baby had enough feathers for DNA testing! I should know next week if I have a little boy or a little girl!!
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That is just about the cutest baby bird I've ever seen! The sleeping picture is just too much!
He is so adorable!
What a darling baby bird!
So super cute!
That IS the sweetest baby voice! It must have been so hard to leave.
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That is just about the cutest baby bird I've ever seen! The sleeping picture is just too much!

Hehe, yeah -- I already set that one as the background on my phone ^___^

That face and those eyes killed me <3

I think I could stare at his little face all day.

Very cute! Are you secretly hoping for a boy or girl?

Ooo.. I'm torn here. Originally when I went looking I was hoping for a boy. I've always had a preference for boy animals, but then the more time I spent with Baby I realized I really didn't care. And now I'm.. maybe sort of hoping for a girl because I still can't settle on a boy name @.@

If it's a girl, the name will be Echo. But a boy name.. aggggh. I love Vandal, but hubby and the kids don't. I don't really -love- any of the names they've picked. We all like Ilya, but I had a budgie named Ilya when I was little (like 5-10 years old little) and I'd feel kind of weird about reusing a pet's name..

If Baby is a girl, it will sure be a lot easier!
What an adorable baby! Makes my heart all fuzzy:)
You know, Echo would work for a girl or a boy:) My ekkie is male and named Ekko:)
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I did think of that -- I know a lot of people use it for boys, too. But whenever I hear it I think of Echo and Narcissus, so it has a very feminine tilt to me..
Nah. Echo works regardless of the sex...

And yeah, macaws, when you actually bother to handle them and work with them (which is USUALLY the problem with the "problem birds") are the ultimate lap birds.

And it gets better.

I just got back from doing laundry, sitting outside with Maggie, our 1 0n 1 time, head cocked sideways, laying on my shoulder, telling me all her little problems...

It's the little things in life, eh?!
Thank you so much for posting the video's and pictures. Been feeling a little down in the dumps today so your post really put a smile on my face. Your baby is such a macaw! Love those baby noises as they brought me back when Valentino was a baby as he made the exact same noises. I don't know if the big macs outgrow what I call the "baby squeak" but Valentino at 2 years still make the baby squeak when we are chilling out together and he acts baby like. Lupe told me he will probably still be making baby noises when he is 20 years old.

I will never grow tired of watching baby parrots. I can't resist baby parrots. I was wondering if you saw any baby Panama amazons during your visit. I might have to skip one more breeding season but maybe things will fall into place fast.
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I'm sorry you're feeling down :( They have had a baby panama there, although I didn't see him this weekend. Not sure if that's because someone took him home, or because he just wasn't out while I was there.

If he is there next weekend, I'll snap some pictures or a video for you. He always like to roost up in this one corner in some fake plants, and he makes this noise I've come to associate with baby panamas. It's this almost stacatto.. sheep-like sound? That sounds completely ridiculous x.x. It's cute. I'll get a video if he's there next weekend!
Oh my goodness, my boyfriend and I are brimming with jealousy over how cute your newest addition is - especially considering you're going through a process we can only dream of right now. Please keep up with the absolutely adorable updates! I'm so happy for you!

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