I have returned with a

Rico update

so, I did a HUGE deep clean of EVERYTHING and he enjoyed giving me heart attacks. He tried eating the sudsy water, tried bathing in it, tried chewing the wind chimes down, tried chewing the Alexa cord, attempted to nest in the curtains, bit my eyebrow by accident, and jumped into the trash can and almost had poop, seed hulls, pellet crumbs, toy shreds, etc, dumped on him. In the span of that 2 hour deep clean, he terrorized me
He got a lot of scritches while I did schoolwork, and I just discovered he smells mildly like peppers, sweet tea, and cheese. He has been a very good birb today and is accepting kisses
It’s been a rough molt for him but it’s coming to an end and he is appreciative of the pinnies I am breaking for him.