What's Your Parrot Up To Today?

Ok, it's my fault. All four were peacefully and happily preening until a certain someone noticed the camera on him, and that was the end of that! :rolleyes:😝

It's the warmest morning we've had in Brisbane for a while and everyone looked like they'd appreciate a nice shower. Well, almost everyone, Lovejoy still doesn't care much for the mist bottle :( And please pardon the truck roaring up the street outside!

Ope helped me rearrange the room where my foster birds are living. He was sooooo helpful and not at all getting into everything and sticking his face inside everyone's cages 😶😶😅

(the fosters are SO gentle)

Ope helped me rearrange the room where my foster birds are living. He was sooooo helpful and not at all getting into everything and sticking his face inside everyone's cages 😶😶😅

(the fosters are SO gentle)

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I couldn’t help but think of this -
Oh my goodness, lol, I’m trying to switch to a new cell phone provider and Kirby won’t stop yelling HELLO in the background. He’s also peppering in “I LOVE YOU” because he knows I can’t be upset when he does that :ROFLMAO::love:

Fairly certain the phone support folks think I’m nuts.
...I have a living room of very grumpy parrots who were woken up by me checking they were alive and the air purifier turned up high after something in my roasting veggies set off the smoke detector 😱

The foster room is still light so that they get some time out after the littles go to sleep, and their smoke detector was the first to alarm.....

So happy birds all around in this joint 😬😬😬

Thankfully air exchanges doing their job and we're back to good air, phew!!!! This is the first I've had any issues while cooking since getting Cotton and I don't wish to repeat it!
Oh man, our smoke detectors go off just from steam, but thankfully the kitchen is on a separate floor from both birds. The dogs sure hate it though! It mostly happens when I let Esme cook. :sneaky:😌
Trying to land on top of my macaw paintings I was given for Christmas and chew them up. So I put some hot wheels on top of them to keep him off. He also did fantastic with training today! He played on the floor and made a huge seed mess which was very epic slay to clean up. He learned he likes chewing up dried spinach and dried carrots but papaya is the devil. He learned that the PlayStation 4 controller cord is NOT a good place to jump up onto because it’s unstable and will drop. He also learned that the Alexa (the music playing servant) can tell him to get off the table and has some authoritah. He also figured out that chewing on the string that hangs the windchime will cause me to freak out and get him off the curtains. Also, making me freak out thinking I lost him is the funniest thing in the history of ever to him. Animals with human intelligence are little gremlins. His intelligence is part of why I love him so much though.

Edit: here are the paintings w/ the hot wheels


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That's genius, @Rico_Tiel !!!! I'll have to remember that the next time my grand-cockatiel visits because he does the same thing.


First evening outside for the season!

I don’t have video, but today Kirby was yelling and trying to bite at a blueberry that’s printed on his shower curtain behind his cage.

Once he got tuckered out from that he took a nap.

Birds are weird.

That's genius, @Rico_Tiel !!!! I'll have to remember that the next time my grand-cockatiel visits because he does the same thing.


First evening outside for the season!

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yeah! paintbrushes, makeup brushes, pencils, pens, markers, et. can work too! but I personally like hotwheels just because it adds "character" to my room and rico doesn't like them!
I have returned with a ✨Rico update✨ so, I did a HUGE deep clean of EVERYTHING and he enjoyed giving me heart attacks. He tried eating the sudsy water, tried bathing in it, tried chewing the wind chimes down, tried chewing the Alexa cord, attempted to nest in the curtains, bit my eyebrow by accident, and jumped into the trash can and almost had poop, seed hulls, pellet crumbs, toy shreds, etc, dumped on him. In the span of that 2 hour deep clean, he terrorized me 🥳

He got a lot of scritches while I did schoolwork, and I just discovered he smells mildly like peppers, sweet tea, and cheese. He has been a very good birb today and is accepting kisses 🥹

It’s been a rough molt for him but it’s coming to an end and he is appreciative of the pinnies I am breaking for him.

“What the heck are you doing?!”

My bird supervisor is judging me as I cut down art prints for frames I found at goodwill. I had to cut off some of the text on them because the prints are odd sized, and I think Kirby doesn’t approve, LOL.
Avery is busy doing what he loves to do lately. Box destruction! Thank goodness I have a fairly regular supply from vendors, he turns them to a pile of shreds by the time I get home from work every single day! Funny, he likes to climb in and shred from the inside out. Goober.
Avery is so gorgeous! I need a new phone; my camera takes the worst photos (I’ve dropped it more times I can count) and now everything is blurry!
Avery is so gorgeous! I need a new phone; my camera takes the worst photos (I’ve dropped it more times I can count) and now everything is blurry!
Thank you! He's not an amazon, but he's awfully handsome IMO. ;) ♥️

The cameras on newer phones are just incredible, and mine is two generations old already. It's almost hard to justify taking out the DSLR anymore, but sometimes there's things the phone cam just can't pull off. :)


Got Kirby a “seat” for our kitchen table. Don’t know why I didn’t think to do it sooner. He used to eat with us all the time at our old place, but it involved balancing bowls on a cup and other nonsense. This way he has room to scoot around and it’s more stable!

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