whats everyone's favorite bird?

wild birds - toss-up between a secretary bird and blue jays. They're super smart and pretty!

As for domesticated birds... hard to choose which ones! My favorite pet bird is a cockatiel, but I love pionus and conures, and... well, there are so many. Diamond doves are cool, too.
My favorite birds are owls. They are so beautiful and so cool! My husband keeps watching YouTube videos of tame baby owls and keeps saying he wants one. I keep saying "no dear"!

My favorite companion birds are budgies. They are so underrated. The first budgie we hand raised, our girl Rocky, is incredible. She hates hands and doesn't talk, but is very bonded to us, yet independent at the same time and we just adore her! I have some big beautiful English budgies now, too (Rocky is half English). They are much calmer than regular budgies and are so big and fluffy I just want to squeeze them (in a good way) but I don't.

I would love a green cheek. They're just the right size and seem like great companion birds but I've got my hands way too full with all my budgies!

Cockatiels are also awesome birds. I had one years ago, Charlie, and he was the sweetest bird that never gave me any trouble.
Too many to say just one! And really this is just by appearence, since every bird is its own individual. Wild birds, I admire bald eagles (American as I am) and raptors in general. And who does not like the tiny Elf owl! Cassowaries are possibly the most interesting bird in the world, like late day velociraptors! Parrots, well I am an Amazon man first and foremost. My fav is the double yellow head, and I might have had one, except they uniformly hate me on sight - yes, true! Macaws are also a favorite, especially the blue throat, who are the bird world's mechanical engineers. But really I take a page out of Crosby, Stills and Nash - love the one you're with. My little yellow shoulder Salty is like a Goldilocks parrot. Not to big not too small, not too loud, not too quiet, opinionated but compromising, in other words Just Right!
As far as parrots go it would be a bronze wing Pionus.
I love their coloration and like what I hear about personality. They are a perfect size too.
If I saw one for sale somewhere I would whip out my credit card without asking “how much”

If I could have a native bird it would be a raven.
As a very small child, too young to remember it we visited friends that had a raven as a pet. My parents had many stories of the raven and the stuff it would do. .
For wild birds I love owls, hawks, vultures and finches. I live near large (for a city) trail, walkway. About 16 miles last check. There's plenty of these there. I've gone on finch walks with a local club. But I am too slow with a camera!!!
I was totally undecided about pet birds. Grew up with budgies and teils. After lots of reading I decided to purchase 'a parrot' from a breeder. It was to avoid inadvertently purchasing an illegal import. I was lucky that my vet at the time was certified avian and gave me a breeder list. My decision for a CAG was based on size and the consistent statements that CAG's were among the most intelligent. Next was statement that CAG while noisy weren't normally a screamer. The line "CAG aren't usually a screamer. I've had many a CAG who mimicked Amazons, Cookatoos...". On those distant days it wasn't emphasized the emotional needs. The breeder educated me on this part of large parrot personality. I honestly read about a lot of breeds. But kept returning to CAG. So I became a human pet, servant to a CAG. Who woke me up this morning just before lights on. Her first phrases in increasing volume was...I gotta go to the bathroom.. Don't know why but she's got different morning phrases.
As far as parrots go it would be a bronze wing Pionus.
I love their coloration and like what I hear about personality. They are a perfect size too.
If I saw one for sale somewhere I would whip out my credit card without asking “how much”

If I could have a native bird it would be a raven.
As a very small child, too young to remember it we visited friends that had a raven as a pet. My parents had many stories of the raven and the stuff it would do. .
I love Ravens too! I love the sounds they make and how smart they are. At a Costco in Alaska they "hunt" in groups. Some distract the shoppers returning to their vehicles loaded up with groceries and the others swoop in and steal packages of meat, and they all fly off laughing!
I should add Bingo is very nearly a perfect bird.
For an Amazon he’s not loud.
He’s very cuddly and affectionate.
The biggest downside is he’s a one person bird.
Harpy eagle. I want one really bad. It would be highly illegal, and not obtainable but one can dream. They are a magnificent creature. Their intelligence really intrigues me.
wild birds - Road Runners! They are so much fun to watch. A place that I use to work we had a friendly one that was used to guests sharing food so he’d come right up to you. The only problem is he’d come up rather you wanted him to or not if you had a plate of food and if you didn’t offer something sometimes he’d jump onto the table to choose something from your plate himself.

Parrots - Its hard to pick a favorite. I am partial to the birds I have (CAG and IRN), but have also considered adding a timneh grey to our flock later this year.
I don't have favorites of many things and that includes birds. Wild birds-I love northern cardinals. They're so beautiful and as a fairly recent transplant to the east coast they're still a novelty. Bald eagles are so huge and gorgeous, Herons are so elegant. Robins always make me smile because in the Pacific Northwest, they meant spring (not here in VA though!). Crows and ravens are fascinating, so clever and beautiful with their black black feathers. Really I think all outdoor birds are my favorite.

For parrots, who doesn't love an African gray? For sheer beauty, female Ekkies, galahs, and hyacinth macaws.

And for good old everyday love and affection and sweetness combined with some spice? Bumble is absolutely my favorite bird ever. 🩵
I was visiting the zoo with my nieces and nephews this summer ( so much fun to see things through the eyes of little kids!) and they had Victoria Crowned Pigeons. They were amazing. Big gorgeous birds. Never seen anything quite like that.

I have to admit though, for local wild birds, I will always have a soft spot for the plain ol’ sparrow. Maybe it’s because the first bird I ever had was a rescued sparrow, but I just find them so cute!

As far as parrots go, I totally agree with wrench13! I love my 2 budgies and my Quaker most of all ❤️. Though after seeing pictures and hearing all the stories on this forum of cockatiels and conures, I’m thinking maybe, just maybe, some day in the future one of them might join my flock. . .
Wild birds: starlings Ive rescued and raised and released them many times in spring they are so smart!!!

Parrots: Mexican green Conure not much is written about them but they are so cute and so funny. They have such a range of sounds and are clowns like Caiques which is another favorite of mine
My favorite wild birds are belted kingfishers, marvelous spatuletails, ravens, eagles, and albatrosses. I also love geese despite their status as suburban pests.

My favorite pet birds are Goffin’s cockatoos (my dream bird), budgies (they are hilarious), Vasa parrots (the weirdness makes me melt lol), caiques, linnies, and white-capped pionus. It is impossible for me to pick a single favorite lol.
My B&G macaw, of course! 😜 As far as wild birds go, my favorites are the pink ones: roseate spoonbills and flamingos. 🦩 I have seen huge flocks of wild flamingos in Kenya and in the Camargue, France. So beautiful!
My favorite wild birds are belted kingfishers, marvelous spatuletails, ravens, eagles, and albatrosses. I also love geese despite their status as suburban pests.

My favorite pet birds are Goffin’s cockatoos (my dream bird), budgies (they are hilarious), Vasa parrots (the weirdness makes me melt lol), caiques, linnies, and white-capped pionus. It is impossible for me to pick a single favorite lol.
Oh yes Goffins are also my dream bird. Good choice!
Quakers and Goffins!
In terms of wild birds, I really love warblers and sparrows
with parrots, my favorite is definitely the conure!
In terms of wild birds, I really love warblers and sparrows
with parrots, my favorite is definitely the conure!
Butterbutts! I get flocks of them (Yellow Rumped Warblers) at my suet in the Spring as they migrate way North to breed. Gorgeous little birds!

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