What would you do????

Of course you've got to try, what are you gonna do? Not try? Lol! It's a baby bird, there's no other option but to try! I'm pulling for him:)
So glad to hear he is doing better! I'm rooting for the little guy!
I would of saved him as well if it was me. Since she's a first time momma its not surprising she's not caring for her chicks very good. Good luck! ;)
@ Terry- ha ha, you know me so well:D:rolleyes:

I will if he does make it!!....it's really hard not to get ahead of yourself and be so excited!!,

they can deteriorate so quickly, it really is an emotional roller coaster.

BUT, this morning he's doing great!....
My heart almost dropped this morning though, I pulled the dish out to feed him(I have him in his nest, and the nest is inside a crock dish)

he never moved, I stood there watching him, he was so still.... and barely breathing:54:....he was just sleeping:eek::D:D

it's really hard to see their little chest inhale and exhale.

I'm feeding him about every 3-4 hours right now, so that's not too bad, I can still do my running around then come home to the cute little guy.

@mikey- I don't know if this is her first time being a mom, it's her first here, but I don't know before I owned her, heck I don't know how old she is....she is not banded.
Awww, I'm glad he's doing better! I've been following this thread but didn't want to comment on such an emotional topic with NO experience and knowledge of chicks. Keep going, Beth! If anyone can pull him through, it's you.:2_smile:
I am so excited for you and for him (he who will soon to be named). I am praying and hoping that he continues to do well! Thank you for sharing all this with us:)
Awww, I'm glad he's doing better! I've been following this thread but didn't want to comment on such an emotional topic with NO experience and knowledge of chicks. Keep going, Beth! If anyone can pull him through, it's you.:2_smile:

awwwww, thanks. today I'm going to weight the little gaffer.I should have weighed him yesterday, but I just wanted to get some food into him first.
he's toasty warm, crop is draining as it should.....gosh this is nerve wracking.:11:
You'll be fine! He's pretty much out of danger zone at his stage. It's when they're younger than that is when you worry the most.
You'll be fine! He's pretty much out of danger zone at his stage. It's when they're younger than that is when you worry the most.

I try not to worry, just take it day by day, I'm thrilled that he is 100% improved, literally!
i think you made the right call. dont let him go without a fight!! ;) its hard to just let them go but at least you are trying, and my gut instinct is to always at least try.
well, bad news.....he died.
this morning when I fed him he seemed to fill up faster than usual....not sure if his crop wasn't draining properly....idk....

then around noon I went to feed him again, he seemed ok,full of energy, standing up and wanting his food.... I started to feed him again, and the weirdest thing happened, he just stopped wanting food, laid down,closed his eyes.... and stopped breathing :(

I barely got 2 drops into him, and he just cut out. I've NEVER seen this happen before!
the food was not hot at all, trust me I have a huge question mark over my head all morning long.......poor little thing.
oh no crimson :( im sorry he didn't make it, but you should feel proud that you made his ending at least a loving and comfortable one.
Sorry to hear about that Beth!!! It's not easy hand feeding finches. You know you must make the formula really watery right??? What brand of formula were you using??
How sad. I agree that nature is always right, but not so easy to watch it happen and do nothing. No way could I end its suffering. I just couldn't. I couldn't watch it slowly starve either. I guess my answer is, I would have to try to feed it.
Sorry to hear about that Beth!!! It's not easy hand feeding finches. You know you must make the formula really watery right??? What brand of formula were you using??

yeah I know Mikey, I never read it, it just seemed to make sense to me to make it more watery.

I use the Lefebers Instant Nutri-Start- it's rice based, and better for finches etc...it's the only one around I can use, other than ordering from the U.S....which is way more expensive...

have you ever seen that before mike? wow, that shocked the hell out of me, never seen it before, and never want to again.
Oh Beth, I just saw this update and I am so sorry. But regardless of how it ended, you did the right thing by trying. Because of you, he did not die hungry and in pain.
mother nature knows best,....probably why mom stopped feeding the chick.

I'm glad I tried, and would do it all over again, and again and again, no matter what the outcome.
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I'm sorry it turned out that way but I'm so glad you tried.
Usually with aspiration you can tell cause they would gasp for air but howvall of the sudden just stopped moving. That's very strange! That's a sight I wouldn't want to see either so I feel for you. You've had a hard year already, bless your heart Beth!

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