My first bird was a male pink ringneck dove named tookie that I fell in love with while working at petsmart and ended up selling him to myself lol. Shortly after, I was at walmart buying some bird toys for him, while at the register, the woman ringing me out noticed the toys and asked me if I wanted her cockatiel, she said that she was going through some problems(something about being beat up and left for dead... I dunno, I tried not to get too involved with her), but I had the room, and my own place so I said sure, she brought Pretty Boy(his name quickly got changed to Petri
) to petsmart where I worked. He was in this old prevue hendrix finch cage, I don't know when the cage was made but it was tiny(too small even for a finch IMO) and had glass seed guards. The only perch in the cage was a swing and the poor bird couldn't even stand up straight because it was so tiny. I bought a cage then and there and took him home, trashed his old cage, which normally I would have sold or given away a cage I don't need but I didn't want to see another poor bird end up in that torture cell. Petri absolutely hated people and would not only bite but he would grind his beak while he was biting you, removing the biggest chunk of skin possible. I worked with him for a good solid year before I gave up and just took him for what he ways, a human hating cockatiel that was more than happy to spend his life not being held(he still got daily out of cage time though). In the process of all of this, my grandmother had a goffin cockatoo that absolutely hated me, she passed away and my uncle had to find a new home for Darcy(the goffin). I wanted to take her but I was still living with my mom and she had a very strict no birds rule, despite the fact that I had upwards of 30 reptiles, a hedgehog and I bred rats lol. My boyfriend's(at the time, now ex) grandfather took her in and it was great because I still got to go and visit. The funny thing is, once is grandfather took her she fell in love with me. This bird HATED me my entire life and then suddenly, I was one of the only people that could hold her, and I could do practically anything with her lol. About a year and a half later, his grandfather also passed away and since I had my own place then, I took her in. She was my third bird and first large parrot. Sorry for the long rambling story... Personally I think doves are great birds to start with, they aren't messy(well, not compared to a even the smallest parrots), they can't really bite, they are quiet(unless you get a male like me, he coo'ed all the time, much to the dismay of my room mates
), and they are really smart. There is a pigeon that lives at our local feed store, he has a cage but is allowed loose in the store during the day and he will fly right to your hand if you hold your finger up and whistle! I was actually just talking to my other half last night about possibly building a pigeon coop sometime in the future and he was all on board with the idea
I'd like to get some kind of homers so I could let them out during the day to fly and forage. As far as a first parrot, I think tiels are great if you get one that was handfed or atleast handled when it was young. Budgies are awesome too, they are a bit under rated(I guess because they are so common and cheap) but they are just as intelligent and capable of learning things that a larger bird can. I find it even more impressive when I see a trick trained budgie than a macaw or other large bird. It just shows that the person took a lot of time and patience to bond with it, even though it probably only cost them $10 for the bird, which is quite humbling IMO. But I will stop rambling now