What type or parrot should I get?


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Apr 18, 2024
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I have no parrots ā˜¹ļø
I have been researching parrots looking into which type I should get. My top picks are yellow naped amazon, african grey and cockatoo. It will be my first parrot, we had an African grey when I was younger, but it was my mom's. And my boyfriend has never had a bird. I know they are all difficult and I am going to give it plenty of attention and training and care and love. Looking for suggestions and opinions and differences between the birds to help me decide! Thanks!!
How old are you? Live on your own? Still in college/school?
I have been researching parrots looking into which type I should get. My top picks are yellow naped amazon, african grey and cockatoo. It will be my first parrot, we had an African grey when I was younger, but it was my mom's. And my boyfriend has never had a bird. I know they are all difficult and I am going to give it plenty of attention and training and care and love. Looking for suggestions and opinions and differences between the birds to help me decide! Thanks!!
Which cockatoo are you considering?
There are over 20 species of them.

I recently researched which parrots are the loudest and found the amazons and cockatoos to be in the top 3. They can all exceed 130db apart from the little cockatiel.

Considering it is your first parrot I would recommend a cockatiel. I've got one and would recommend them to anyone. These little cockys are full of character and very loyal little companions, they often love to be scratched and cuddled and their crests makes their body language easy to read.
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How old are you? Live on your own? Still in college/school?
23, live with my boyfriend. We both work full time, it would end up about 6 hours where we are both gone.
Which cockatoo are you considering?
There are over 20 species of them.

I recently researched which parrots are the loudest and found the amazons and cockatoos to be in the top 3. They can all exceed 130db apart from the little cockatiel.

Considering it is your first parrot I would recommend a cockatiel. I've got one and would recommend them to anyone. These little cockys are full of character and very loyal little companions, they often love to be scratched and cuddled and their crests makes their body language easy to read.
I had meant to include that in the post, umbrella cockatoo.
I would have to say a cockatiel, definitely. I have an Amazon and heā€™s around 45. Quiet mostly but when her screams heā€™s LOUD. Iā€™ve had a cockatooā€¦. For one night. Screamed constantly and all night unless I held him and cuddled him. Sounds great but I was also young and in an apartment. I had a grey also (lost him in a divorce). He was mostly quiet untilā€¦.scream time.
You also have to consider your age and situation. When I first moved out, I went through a lorikeet and an African Red Belly and the cockatoo. It wasnā€™t until I was married and owned an house I got my 1st parrot. Also, you are talking about a life long commitment. Even things like going on vacation, long weekends away, the cost of food, the dust. The dust. Did I mention the dust? Also, you canā€™t fly with a parrot and Iā€™d hate to arrive at a destination with a dead bird who had to travel in a cargo hold. However you could board them. Find an avian vet close by if you can. Mine is an hour away at best.
A cockatiel would be easiest (but you would have to post more on cockatiels for more info). I just purchased one for my wife and itā€™s a doll. Sheā€™s a 4 month old albino and so sweet. Has enough of a little attitude to round out her personality. So yes, go with a tiel, preferably one just off hand feeding. Also, check out rescue places as you may save a neglected bird, as well as $300. Rehoming a bird to me is just cruel and usually because someone didnā€™t think the buy through.
So I was almost 100% like you guys. 20's, w/girlfriend/good job/some outside interests, mostly at nite (band). I had a yellow nape for a few years. We got serious, new house, and 3 kids later, the YNA hated the kids, they were scared crazy, the wife was never a bird fan and now..... 40 ys rs ago I rehomed him and didn't have any parrots until the youngest was in his 20's.

Point is, without further extraneous info, you and your S/O are in for several life changes coming until you have a semblance of regularity and predictability . Parrots LOVE their schedules. And then there are job changes, moving, and having kids (biggie). Point is when you have a parrot, its like having another person in the family and considerations have to be made for them just like you would one out your kids. If you can't do that, the parrot suffers. Sorry if I sound harsh, but its the truth, the honto Shinjitsu (japanese real truth) !

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