What type of Amazon makes the best pet ?


New member
Nov 19, 2014
South Beloit, Illinois
Yellowsided Green Cheek Conure~ Baby/Blue Front Amazon~ Cookie/Timneh African Grey~ Dezi/Normal Green Cheek Conure~Petri
A friend of mine recently came over and saw cookie the other day. He already has an African grey, and he has been contemplating getting an Amazon for quite some time now, and he was wondering what type of Amazon makes the best pet from real people's opinions not just online stuff.

A friend of mine recently came over and saw cookie the other day. He already has an African grey, and he has been contemplating getting an Amazon for quite some time now, and he was wondering what type of Amazon makes the best pet from real people's opinions not just online stuff.


All of them......!!! It's the person that owns them and puts the patience and effort into them that makes them a stand out....

Other than that, I can't give you a direct answer as you will get 100 different answers to that question.
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Well like what are some of the more mellow species ?
I have a Green Cheek Amazon, he's a smaller zon and is super sweet and loving but like Zons he's a one person bird, my bird. I adopted him almost a year ago after his owner passed away and we hit it off right away. He's 25 years young, lol. I got lucky. I think your friend will have to visit some Zons and see how they respond and interact. I hear the orange wing is a mellow zon too. Lots of experts here that can give you more information.
I agree with all what was said before me.
I have a DYHA (double yellow head amazon) and YSA (yellow shoulder amazon) and they are different in almost everything. They both are very sweet, but DYHA has way more personality. YSA is smaller and smarter than my DYHA, also she can be much sweeter and would allow me to pet her which is rare for Zons in general and is not welcomed by my DYHA. I've read that YSA in general are very sweet and mellow, but they are not as clowny and talkative as some other zones.
If your friend is looking into adopting a zon...... let zon to choose your friend.....it's usually the best for everybody........ :)
I always tell folks when it comes to zons, personality is more important than parentage. That said, Panamas are the best.
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Well, definitely stay away from those trouble making blue fronts:green::54: (Just kidding!).

Honestly, it depends on what traits your friend is looking for in a new bird? What about amazons made him think he'd like to have one? The smaller ones like lilac crowns and green cheeks tend to be calmer, have 'less' hormonal issues and a little bit 'nicer' birds overall. My mom has a green cheek who is the *sweetest*, most calm, gentle parrot on the face of the planet. Barney is just a wonderful bird, but he doesn't have the same kind of 'personality' her DYH has or that my BFA has. Little zons and big zons are almost like they are totally different species. You just can't get that big, boisterous big amazon attitude in the little guys (though there are the anomalous mealies, which are the biggest zons of all, who are supposedly very mellow birds). The double yellow heads, yellow napes and blue fronts are the 3 zons with the big bodies, big attitudes and big personalities most people expect from a zon (feisty, confident and independent, but probably not very cuddly).
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Well, definitely stay away from those trouble making blue fronts:green::54: (Just kidding!).

Honestly, it depends on what traits your friend is looking for in a new bird? What about amazons made him think he'd like to have one? The smaller ones like lilac crowns and green cheeks tend to be calmer, have 'less' hormonal issues and a little bit 'nicer' birds overall. My mom has a green cheek who is the *sweetest*, most calm, gentle parrot on the face of the planet. Barney is just a wonderful bird, but he doesn't have the same kind of 'personality' her DYH has or that my BFA has. Little zons and big zons are almost like they are totally different species. You just can't get that big, boisterous big amazon attitude in the little guys (though there are the anomalous mealies, which are the biggest zons of all, who are supposedly very mellow birds). The double yellow heads, yellow napes and blue fronts are the 3 zons with the big bodies, big attitudes and big personalities most people expect from a zon (feisty, confident and independent, but probably not very cuddly).

Awwwww...lol......the blue fronts are lovely.....Poppie (BFA) is sitting here on my shoulder as I type...."Poppie's a good girl".....ahhhhh ha ha ha ha .....Yeah right I say to her...

Vinny is her own company sometimes, and dose get into mischief...
I have heard that the smaller amazons are the more mellow and sweet but it depends how you raise them. I have seen very sweet BFA but I have also seen a very fiesty one. I like White Front Amazons and Lilac Crowned Amazons. If you like the colors of BFA and are worried about the hormones, an Orange Wing Amazon looks very similar and are typically more mellow.
I wouldn't trade my YN and DYH for anything. They are both cuddly, sweet, ornery, talkative, sing up a storm, and totally fit my personality. :54: (take that as you may) :D
Awwwww...lol......the blue fronts are lovely.....Poppie (BFA) is sitting here on my shoulder as I type...."Poppie's a good girl".....ahhhhh ha ha ha ha .....Yeah right I say to her...

Vinny is her own company sometimes, and dose get into mischief...

I don't know if "lovely" quite fits my Kiwi (maybe it's because you have females), but I couldn't ask for a better bird! He is a tad naughty, but he's also super bonded and really really smart. I must say, I never thought much about blue fronts until I adopted him, but I'm quite biased towards them now:D
My son has a blue F Amazon. She is a real sweet heart! She actually is very cuddly (but only with him). She never bites, she will only growl to warn you. But not sure if she is typical of other BFA. She is a great parrot!
Awwwww...lol......the blue fronts are lovely.....Poppie (BFA) is sitting here on my shoulder as I type...."Poppie's a good girl".....ahhhhh ha ha ha ha .....Yeah right I say to her...

Vinny is her own company sometimes, and dose get into mischief...

I don't know if "lovely" quite fits my Kiwi (maybe it's because you have females), but I couldn't ask for a better bird! He is a tad naughty, but he's also super bonded and really really smart. I must say, I never thought much about blue fronts until I adopted him, but I'm quite biased towards them now:D

Yeah...Both my Zons are females....which sometimes they get cranky at each other especially during hormone season....My senni is also female...My grey is male....Poor guy gets picked on by the females....Oh Julius is male as well...

Yes they can get a bit cranky...but All of the birds are well bonded. Yeah same here.....Never thought much about Zons until I gotten a couple, now I can't live without them....They are just too sweet.
I agree with Wendy . The "hot 3" are a different bird. However i disagree about the cuddly part. 3of 4 of the cuddles zons i know are hen Napes. The other is a Pan hen. Pans have the right mix between the extremes. The real key , is like someone mention, is early socialization. The effort and understanding that you invest at a early age can pay huge dividends.
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My son has a blue F Amazon. She is a real sweet heart! She actually is very cuddly (but only with him). She never bites, she will only growl to warn you. But not sure if she is typical of other BFA. She is a great parrot!

My Zons are both females, and yeah they growl....never bite...They are good about that....though they are very vocal....My oldest Zon has quite a vocabulary... She'll sit on my shoulder and watch me make her breakfast...and literally tell me what to put in her bowl...

" what's that"????......a pear I say...she'll say...."it's really good" ..yes it is... "what's that?" that's a grape...."yeck"....you don't a grape?..."no"...ok no grape then.....

Or sitting on her perch next to window she see's a baby bunny in yard...." Look...look...looook...come here..hurry hurry..." ....Oh you see a baby bunny....Isn't that nice??? ...."huh" she says... "ooooohhh". " outside...come on come on....No you can't go out right now, to cold...." "cold? poppie outside...bye bye..."....no too cold....."awwwwwww"
" Ma ma outside?.....yeah ma ma's feeding the chickens...

So..I actually have a conversation with her and she understands...Quite a smart Zon.
The real key , is like someone mention, is early socialization. The effort and understanding that you invest at a early age can pay huge dividends.

What about those birds who were adopted as older birds and had been previously mistreated though? You can socialize, train and earn their trust, but you can't always love them into becoming cuddly. Theres a whole lot of 'homeless' hot 3 amazons out there, especially males who's hormones have never been properly addressed who can become wonderful companions, but may not ever be super affectionate.

Also, I noticed that out of the many, many zons you've met, the 3 "cuddliest" were all females. Do the females tend to be a bit more cuddly than the males in general?
I have Buddy's previous owner to thank for 99% of his social skills. He was very loved. The 1% is naughty Amazon. You have to watch out for that 1%. Socialization is so important with any creature.
Zilla is an OWA, super sweet, not so much "cuddly" but she does love her head and neck scritches. Loves to be with me "doing" whatever I am doing. She also entertains herself well on my long days in the office. She does tend to want to be a perch potato if I don't give her things to do. She's fairly quiet and doesn't do the morning "flock" call, but is starting to get really really into the late afternoon flock calling to the outside birds. I've only had her just over 5 months, but she is already SUPER bonded to me and is definitely a one person bird (mine) She HATES company (except my Mom) and tends to scream at anyone who visits until they leave...LOL
The real key , is like someone mention, is early socialization. The effort and understanding that you invest at a early age can pay huge dividends.

What about those birds who were adopted as older birds and had been previously mistreated though? You can socialize, train and earn their trust, but you can't always love them into becoming cuddly. Theres a whole lot of 'homeless' hot 3 amazons out there, especially males who's hormones have never been properly addressed who can become wonderful companions, but may not ever be super affectionate.

Also, I noticed that out of the many, many zons you've met, the 3 "cuddliest" were all females. Do the females tend to be a bit more cuddly than the males in general?

I dont think there is a difference between males and females in terms of being cuddly. Well at least that's not the case with Kiki as she does not accept me cuddling or touching her anywhere at all, except for her feet. I have also heard from other experienced zon keepers/breeders that it simply depends on whether your lucky or not. Some zons like/love it.. Some absolutely don't.

But the smaller zons like my OWA absolutely love being cuddled. It doesn't mean all are cuddlebags though. It varies. As long as you love Your pet/s for what they are, all will be just fine. :)

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