What other parrots are small like the cockatiel?


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Sep 25, 2011
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Hi, can someone tell me what other bird/parrots are small like the cockatiel. Thanks.
Sure, Green cheek conures are about the size of a 'tiel, and we have a black capped conure that is smaller than a 'tiel(he's about 73 grams). Parrotlets are much smaller and budgies are in between the parrotlet and the cockatiel. Lineolated parakeets are just slightly smaller than a cockatiel and they are super cool birds. I wouldn't just look at size though if you are considering a parrot, there are a lot of other things to consider as well, you definitely picked a good forum to get advice though!
Yea, I know they are different factors, I need to first find the breed/type of bird that are small, and then research each. I know about budgies, they are a bit too small of a bird. Cockatiels are a nice small size, but I am not fond of their colorings. The conure is a pretty bird. Is there a site or a thread on here that has a list of small parrots.
I'd prefer to adopt then to buy from a breeder but out of curiosity how much are parrots of this size from a breeder.
It really depends on where you live. I am from pennsylvania and from a breeder normal Greencheeks go for about $150 and up. We adopted our black capped conure(love him by the way!) from someone on craigslist and we were not charged anything for him. I simply told his previous owner of my bird experience and I promised him that we would be his last and forever home :) But he did give me the paperwork he had on him and they paid $450 for him at petco several years ago and I know they have gone up since then, but pet stores are always priced way higher than breeders. Rescues will vary depending on their own adoption fees. There is one rescue that I wanted to adopt from but then I realized their adoption fees were almost the same as what most breeders charge :/ There is another rescue near me though that has a few blue crowned conures for a $35 adoption fee. If your looking for a bird that is on the quieter side, I would stay away from the aratinga conures(suns, blue crowned etc) as they are quite loud. Our Billy isn't exactly quiet but he isn't excessively loud either and from what I've heard, he is louder than the average BCC. I don't know exactly what you are looking for in a parrot but greencheeks are pretty awesome! I love our black capped too, and if you can find one, it may be worth your while to meet him/her, they just don't seem to be nearly as common as the GCC. As I said earlier, from the lineolated parakeets I have met, they are really sweet too, super cuddly and love to hide in pockets(atleast all the ones I have known). They seem to range from about $100-$300 here too, it all depends on the color and the specific breeder/rescue you adopt from.
My daughter has a lineolated parakeet, she is a very sweet bird! She is a beautiful turqouise color. They come in cobalt blue, yellow, green (many others) She was $225, she is a vit smaller than a cockateil. She is very cuddly and sweet!
Someone on CL had a conure for 250 including the cage, and toys. I'm looking for a parrot that is more dependent than most, because I will be having a schedule that will have me out the house by 7 am and home by 630. Having a non noisey bird would be great! I thought all birds were loud, so I was willing to accept that..well sorda, lol. Which of the smaller birds are more quiet? I guess what I am looking for is a "starter" bird, to quote this one rescue I spoke to. She told me to get a starter bird first. In my head I was like, "Wha??? Birds live a long time, what you mean a starter bird?" Anywho, I'm looking for a bird, that is smaller, more independent, and not that noisey. I will still love it and give it free time out the cage. I intend to train it, eventually, to mainly be out of the cage and go in only to poop, and bedtime.
It's not a parrot, but have you considered a dove? They are quiet, pretty dependent, super easy to train(compared to most parrots anyway), and they can't really bite. I had a pink ringneck dove and he was awesome, he was always super friendly no matter how much attention he did or didn't get any they are pretty easy to teach recalls to :) I don't really know of any parrots that I would suggest to someone that is gone almost 12 hours a day :( most birds like to settle down for bed at around 8-9pm which is only a couple hours after you get home.
Ni, I'm not interested in a dove. So, there is no one with a 9-5 with a parrot? I doubt that. Even with another bird friend, they still will be lonely?
even 9-5 is less time than 7-6:30, that's a LONG time to leave a parrot by itself, they have the intelligence of a human toddler so that's what I personally base it on. I wouldn't expect a toddler to sit in a pack and play for 12 hours and entertain itself. It would probably be okay if you had two birds, but if you have a pair of birds that is alone with that minimal amount of human contact I wouldn't be surprised if they bonded to each other and then wanted nothing to do with people. Inevitably, it's your decision and I hope you figure something out that works well for you, companion parrots are amazingly rewarding but they require a lot of work or you are going to end up with a biting, screaming, plucking, unhappy mess of a bird :( I've seen it happen more times than I can count. Our birds are out and able to interact with at least one of us the entire time they are awake aside from a few hours total in a week, and they still aren't 100% there with socialization. They both still bite on occasion and yell, but that's just how birds are. I guess you just gotta take the good with the bad. 6
Well it takes about an hour and half to, and from work. Thanks for answering, and giving me some info though.
I'm really not trying to discourage you, I'm sure there are many people that have parrots and leave them home alone during the day, I just don't really know what kind of bird would be better suited for that kind of routine, I have had cockatoos, tiels, a budgie, a conure and an alex and I don't think I would have been able to do much with any of them if they were alone that long. I guess I got kind of lucky that my SO and I worked different shifts so one of us was always home with them. I'm sure if you wait until tomorrow when the board is more active you will get a lot more advice. Just don't leave because of my one opinion :) This is the best parrot forum I have belonged to, there are a lot of really helpful ideas to be had here :)
It's cool. You're the second person who thought I was mad or something. I'm chilly :cool:. I've decided to go with the green cheek conure. Still researching, and deciding but if I were to get a parrot, that would be my bird of choice. I will get it a buddy in the future. I think having a buddy is always a good thing. Currently I am home with my son, but that won't always be the case. So if I feel that the bird is getting too stressed or lonely I will find a more suited home, but I wouldn't want to do that since all of my animals have been with me from infancy, except two that I adopted.
Just noticed your avatar, it's nice to have another vegan around :)
Just noticed your avatar, it's nice to have another vegan around :)

It's funny as I read that because I was just telling myself I need to get a vegeterian one like that. I've been meaning to get a avatar that says I'm a vegeterian. I'm working on the vegan thing slowly.

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