Someone on CL had a conure for 250 including the cage, and toys. I'm looking for a parrot that is more dependent than most, because I will be having a schedule that will have me out the house by 7 am and home by 630. Having a non noisey bird would be great! I thought all birds were loud, so I was willing to accept that..well sorda, lol. Which of the smaller birds are more quiet? I guess what I am looking for is a "starter" bird, to quote this one rescue I spoke to. She told me to get a starter bird first. In my head I was like, "Wha??? Birds live a long time, what you mean a starter bird?" Anywho, I'm looking for a bird, that is smaller, more independent, and not that noisey. I will still love it and give it free time out the cage. I intend to train it, eventually, to mainly be out of the cage and go in only to poop, and bedtime.