What other birds do you own?

I am owned by
2 budgies
1 cinn gcc
1 blue quaker
1 tiel
I have an african grey and a sun conure but 2 stray chickens moved into my yard this summer. I guess I have a rooster and a hen now. :)
I have a greencheek conure and an amazon.Thats enough for me.They are demanding enough...Although I really do love those greencheeks..
My son is getting a cockatiel at the end of April so that makes three in the house but I am determined not to get to involved with the tiel except to make sure he takes care of it properly.

oh yea and I have three chickens(two rhode island reds and an australorp(my other one died last summer of unknown causes)..
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We have:
2 amazons
1 alexandrine parakeet
1 black capped conure
4 budgies(plus their babies)
4 parrotlets
We are also adopting some more budgies from another forum member soon, can't wait! :) We've definitely been infected by the bird bug :p

Almost forgot, they're not parrots but we have had a pair of ducks that started hanging out in our pond a couple weeks ago so hopefully they will decide they like it here and maybe have some babies come spring :)
We have:
2 amazons
1 alexandrine parakeet
1 black capped conure
4 budgies(plus their babies)
4 parrotlets
We are also adopting some more budgies from another forum member soon, can't wait! :) We've definitely been infected by the bird bug :p

Almost forgot, they're not parrots but we have had a pair of ducks that started hanging out in our pond a couple weeks ago so hopefully they will decide they like it here and maybe have some babies come spring :)

how exiting! i love ducklings, there are some ducks at the pond at my school and every summer there's ducklings all over the place :D.
i have 6 finches, and hope to add a tame one to my flock :).
WE have: 1 Congo African Grey, 2 Pionus, 2 Caiques, 2 Green Cheek Conures, 2 Crimson-Bellied Conures and 1 Lovebird
We have 2 umbrella cockatoos,
1 Congo African grey,
2 Peking ducks ( both male )
2 mottled turkeys ( heritage breeds 1 Tom and 1 hen )
8 chicken hens ( love those fresh eggs )

Almost sounds like a song. All we need is a partridge in a pear tree.

I had ducks when I was growing up, got them as ducklings from my auntie down the road. I would gather the eggs along with the chicken eggs and mom would make noodles from the duck eggs..good stuff.
I have Rosie the galah cockatoo, and just recently adopting Kenji the Congo African gray. I love birds, they are my passion, but I don't want a lot. Unless I am doing educational shows I only want a a few that I can devote myself to and give a wonderful life too. I always knew that at some point I would want a second bird, and now I have Kinji who is fantastic. I'm not sure if I'll ever get a third bird unless I have a very good job and lots of time. Kenji and Rosie take a lot of time, and I don't mind giving it to them. I am creative and try to think of different ways to enrich their lives.
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We just have Kiwi (our BFA). In the future, we may adopt a second bird. I will also eventually inherit or take over care of my parents 3 birds (DYH, green cheek amazon and goffin cockatoo).
I have sun conures, peach fronteds, maroon bellies, green cheeks and have had many other birds... i am looking at himalayan monal pheasants at this point, but i look after rooks, australian magpies, pekin ducks, mandarin ducks, ringneck and golden pheasants, red legged partridge, several chicken breeds, cayuga ducks and mute and black swans also jap. Quail and californian quail at work
I have 3 peach face lovebirds and 1 cockatiel.
I'd love to get a galah and a sun conure some time in the future.
Okay I used to have in the past a cinnamon cockatiel named Captain and a lutino budgie named Hedwig and the current owner of...
A cheeky boy named Bandit! He is a RB2/Galah and is 5 months old!
And soon in june a peach faced lovebird! My dream bird is a scarlett macaw or blue and gold. Unfortunately I wouldnt be able to afford all it needs seeing as I'm looking after a galah that im constantly purchasing things for including vets. (Im only 13 and dont earn THAT much money) so I wouldnt take in any bird that I cant give a good life to. :) Hopefully someday...
I currently have a gcc and I have a senegal which I'm in the process of weaning. When I was a kid we handfed/raised a baby starling that had fallen out of the nest and wandered off. We eventually let him back out into the wild; he had learned to hunt and feed so he just flew off one day. It was bittersweet to see Turkus leave. I have also had sun conure, gcc, a budgie, and some cockatiels.

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