What Kind of Person Are You?

Not necessarily, I have a Senegal and an Eclectus and neither of which were on my radar as birds that I particularly wanted to have. My dream birds were and in the right order:

1. Amazon (preferrably a Cuban, Blue Fronted or Orange wing)
2. CAG
3. Macaw (preferrably a Blue & Gold or Green wing.

Senegals are a little more common in my area, but not Eclectus. Both of mine were rehomes. The Senegal was a Craigslist find whose owners decided they wanted a dog instead. The Eclectus was a rehome due to his previous owner passing away and he was so stressed over it he started plucking and over preening.

I wouldn't change a thing either.
I am the perfect example of what you are talking about, I have 5 green cheeks and I am thinking about keeping another one of the babies I am raising right now. But when I move in at least 5 years I hope to get a grey and a mollucan cockatoo. I have so many gcc's because they are so playful and funny, I love to watch my boys destroy their toys in a matter of minutes.loo.
I have always loved Amazons:) If I were to add another addition it would be another Zon!

Having said that, if I could have a Bird Room then I would have all different kinds of Birds! That would be awesome :)
Ok , I want to play too .
I have a G2 and a RB2 along with twenty parakeets :eek::54:
Some of those are babies and aren't staying .
I love my parakeets ! I love their chatter and their never ending playfulness.
They are always very happy , active and really enjoy a good millet spray , lol.
It's nice to her them . I find it relaxing to just lay on the couch and listen to them
I had a parakeet , my English Budgie actually get out of the cage while I
was switching toys around and he flew down towards my parrots.
Well , I was prepared for the worst but was hoping for the best.
I knew they were out ontop of the cages playing , so I hoped that
Frankie would avoid them when he saw them. Yoshi saw Frankie
first , he ducked and let out a few loud warning calls which
I'm sure meant , "OMG flying green gremlins" and he high tailed it back
into his cage , lolol. Rosie on the other hand was quite interested in
Frankie and put on her best head dress and flaunted it extravagantly.
Well , he wasnt buying it and avoided the pink chick at all costs !
Thank God he got through that without any close calls !
Finally I grabbed him right out of the air , I think he just let me grab him .
I put him back in his cage and I can only imagine the stories he will tell
his friends about the ghost that screams and the crazy pink chick with the funny hat :D
I do want another bird , not sure yet , it's between a Hyacinth , another Goffin
or a CAG . But I was dabbling in the books again and Im kinda leaning
towards my first choice a Blue Throated Macaw.
So..........i am driving myself crazy , but I will only have to wait another week
or two , before I can actually really go and choose or it a deposit down :)
I will be hyperventalating by that time :rolleyes:
I have a yellow sided green cheek, if I were to get another bird I would get another green cheek or a Sun. Probably a Sun. My daughter has a TAG and a Green cheek, I personally prefer the personality and attitude of the conures. She loves both of hers equally but it just wouldn't be for me. Green cheeks are such brave little souls and just downright agitating at times, but they are soooooo worth it. As far as the Sun screeching, that particular sound wouldn't bug me at all. I actually don't like the sounds of my daughter's Tag. Guess everyone is different and that is a good thing. I just hear so many people talk about the Sun screeching, to me it isn't screeching.
I have a variety of birdie types.
I love the differences between them.
I have two linnie boys but if I were to get another I would probably branch out to something bigger but not too big. Either a green cheek conure or red bellied conure. I love watching the big birds but with kids I just couldn't risk someone losing a finger. Although I could also see getting another linnie or two. They are so sweet and I'd love to have one of each color!!!:)
i dont really fit the mold i have 3 birds that are all completely different but i love all 3 of them equally. i want a bigger bird but i'm only 16 and will wait till after school
I have three African greys and an Umbrella cockatoo! In this house we seem to like dust! :P
I have a bit of a variety as well. Although I do have more Conures than anything. I seem to be a bird person period. I like all kinds. I think if I could I would have one of every flavor! But I keep telling myself that I can not get any more. That I just need to enjoy and take care of the ones that I have! I think there is something extremely cool about every kind. I am Like dishgal, the conures noise does not bother me at all either. I guess that is why I have 3 of them! I guess I can just say I LOVE all parrots!!!
for me its the Indian Ringnecks. my present IRN is just a yr old and is my 4th one.
i am hoping he will be a male. my Bette was lost last summer when i moved here. i will never get over losing her. i found a couple lovies to try to fill the void and they were great but i eventually found Baibee and the lovies went back into foster care.
had an amazon for 10yrs - she was so loud but a very good bird
had a tiel for a short while, my allergies went crazy
had a couple budgies, they are so cute! such happy funny little guys, neverending chatterboxes
but for me, it will always be an IRN. i love the colors, their independence, their beauty,
and cute voices. they have a great appetite and are such eager eaters :)
If I got a bird and still wanted another I would probably get a different type. The funny thing is my "dream birds" are all small. GCC, Parrotlet and maybe a cockateil! Lol!

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