What is my birdie doing 😳


New member
Apr 6, 2021
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Albuquerque, NM
African Grey named Lobo
Hi all ☺️ I am a proud new mama to my beautiful African gray his name is lobo and I love him to pieces. Everyday he does something new... well tonight he did something new that I have no idea what he was doing... can anyone tell me or I put ur ideas of what he’s doing :grey:
He nibbles at my toes and climbs off and on my foot while making these little noises I never heard him make before, I’m thinking he’s showing me affection but he did this for 45
Minutes straight....
Welcome to you and Lobo! How old is he and how long have you had him? A few guesses range from "grooming" behavior to possibly viewing you as mate. Does he appear to "mount" your foot in sexual manner? Are you able to upload images or possibly video?
Great points by my good friend above.
You say 'he,' has 'he' been DNA sex tested?
Grey's are very intelligent Parrots, so there is likely a behavioral element involved.

FYI: Welcome to Parrotforum!!!
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Hello I have only had him a few months... @sailboat I have not had a DNA test on him I just assumed he is a male lol according to his band he is about 8 months old. @scott its funny you say mount because that's what I thought he was doing was maybe trying to mate with my foot... I tried download a video but haven't been successful I'll try again.

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