What I had forgotten about baby greys...


New member
Feb 17, 2014
They like to DIG DIG DIG....I am admittedly OCD when it comes to keeping babies clean of food and absolutely no poop in their tub as soon as they poop I remove that piece of paper towel and add fresh.

Willow will go to the corners of the tub and scratch at the toweling moving it away and into a giant bunched up mess so I am constantly fixing it. She has me wrapped around her little talons. We play on the floor and today she was running to me when I call her name. Such a doll!:D
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And I don't mean that it's 'useless', of course...it's just my way of begging for more photos of sweet Willow, the digger. :32:
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My camera battery is completely dead! I left it on accidentally so pics will have to wait...sorry.
They like to DID DIG DIG....I am admittedly OCD when it comes to keeping babies clean of food and absolutely no poop in their tub as soon as they poop I remove that piece of paper towel and add fresh.

Willow will go to the corners of the tub and scratch at the toweling moving it away and into a giant bunched up mess so I am constantly fixing it. She has me wrapped around her little talons. We play on the floor and today she was running to me when I call her name. Such a doll!:D

Ha ha ha ha ha...Yes they do that. As a matter of fact, My Grey did that after weaning for a while. I think it's a baby thing. Would go to bottom of cage and put his head against the bars and scratch his way into corner.

I couldn't resist and had to hold him constantly, I didn't mind. Now 2 years later, he's a great bird and one tremendous bond and understanding of each others habits, moods and body language. I couldn't ask for a better bird.

Here's greyson during his weaning a couple years back. Adorable baby
and loved to cuddle.
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Sigh, Laura, we'll wait if we must! Thanks for sharing Baby Willow with us, she sounds like a real sweetie. I'm glad you and Willow are having fun together.
Willow sure does sound like she has you hook, line and sinker:D She's adorable, and so very lucky her family was able to find you so she has a great, healthy start to life!
My camera battery is completely dead! I left it on accidentally so pics will have to wait...sorry.

I do that as well....Ever notice that when you have the "perfect picture" opportunity, the camera is dead? happens to me now and then....like the birds know the camera is not on.
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Willow's mom is supposed to be coming over later today to visit and I am hoping she will do the running to her on the floor thing because it is beyond cute! :jumping40
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Well the two of them had a nice visit. Her husband couldn't make it, he isn't feeling well. Willow was wonderful and full of cuteness. :cool:

She happen to be here while I did her afternoon feeding and it was so funny. She was like OMG how do you do that without spilling a drop.:eek: She admitted to getting it all over her, the baby and the counter when she had tried. I didn't say so but yep I had to clean all the dried formula off her so I know.:54: LOL!!:D Years of practice and the reason I don't usually do it in front of people because her words exactly..."You make it look so easy!"

She is now down from 4 to 3 feedings and picking at food on her own. Won't be long and I will lessen the afternoon feeding. They grow soooo fast!:(
Looking forward to those pics, Laura! Willow is in good hands with you, and she sounds like she's quite enjoying her temporary accommodations.

Mike, love those pics of baby Greyson! Thanks for sharing.
I'm glad to hear the visit went well, but I'm THRILLED that Willow's owner handed her over to you until she's abundance weaned! She isn't going to recognize her baby in a few months...mark my words! Heck, make that 'a few weeks' instead. :D
I love, love, love Willow's thread and her story. If only all parrots were lucky enough to have someone with so much experience work with them at this stage of development.
Willow sounds awesome Laura!! Looking forward to pictures!
C'mon Laura!! Where are Willow's pics??????

Baby Greys...geeez The Good Lord sure knows how to make 'em,huh?

Pics please, preferably with food everywhere, lol!
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Here she is moved into her modified big girl cage..

So beautiful!!! Awesome job "Big Girl Mom". I completely understand being clean on the spot, I hate messes but baby messes are so wonderful to look at.
Holy smokes, Laura, your girl is THRIVING! I really do like the sound of that...'your' girl!!! :smile015:

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