What has Fargo been up to?

Did you see it fly by, too? Could it have been an owl? I know it's dark on your side of the globe. :eek:
I have no idea, but whatever it was it has really upset him :/ I have tried putting him over there 3 times.. My room is pitch black almost, about 5 minutes ago he tried to fly over to the plastic chains, and then he sat on my bed making weird sounds.. Now he has gone to sleep above me again :eek:

He has never slept here :S
Whatever it was scared the pants off of Fargo then. :eek: Poor baby. Hey, at least he's gone back to sleep, even if it's in a new spot. Being near you must make him feel at ease. :)
I just hope he doesn't sleep there all night and i wake up with a lovely morning poop on my face HAHAHAHA
I miss you too Brodie!!!

5 more weeks and i will be finished uni!! Then will have like a months break, so can catch up lots :)
Thank god, life is so boring without you too and kc haha. I have so many stories to tell!
It is so good to see more Fargo! I was starting to go into withdrawals without you and Fargo:(
He is as beautiful as ever:)
It was a flying snake...
I was starting to go into withdrawals without you and Fargo:(
Yes, his fans have certainly been deprived....

How about setting up a "fargo-cam" (like the Cat Haven's "kitty-cam") so we can tune in while you are at uni? :D

I'm interested that he says "hello" like that. That's (pretty much) all my galah says as well. I wonder why they like it?
Hahaha :')

I always wanted to set up a camera in my room so i could watch Fargo when i wasn't there :p

There is a zoo in america that has a 24 hour online camera where you can view the penguins! Very cool

Oh really? :O

It is strange how they pick a favourite word!

He was already saying hello when i got him from the breeders, all the macaws there would say hello..

So maybe because that was the first thing he learnt?

I always wonder if he picked up hello so much because it was a male breeder who spoke to them, and so he learnt the hello from a males voice?

And although he has learnt to say stuff in my voice, the hello is still his favourite?

Not sure!

Maybe they just like being super friendly :p
Such cute pictures of Fargo. Thanks for sharing them! I am glad to hear you are doing well and enjoying life.

As for learning new words Fargo might go through spurts of learning new words. Valentino is doing that now. The other night I was have a argument with Lupe and was telling her "LOOK AT IT...JUST LOOK AT IT!" The next day while I was working upstairs in my office during Valentino's chatter time he kept yelling LOOK AT IT then saying WHAT! I was laughing so hard because the way he was saying it was so funny. Valentino's vocabulary is growing every day.

I do worry that while I am not home and he is alone that he is not stimulated to learn. It is challenging to give him tools and toys to entertain himself and I do my best with that. A friend loaned me one of those metal Fraiser toys that the parrot has to unscrew the wingnuts to open the box to get the treat you put inside and I tried it with Valentino. I thought it would be a huge challenge for him and keep him interested for a while because their BLUE THROAT MACAW lost interest in it right away and didn't bother to figure it out. Valentino figured out the toy so quickly I had not even had a chance to walk away before he already opened it. I later realized two things. Valentino is almost two years old and I have been putting things in his cage to make him figure out stuff and two the BTM is not even a year old. I am bringing the toy back to them because I would like to see if the BTM would develop a interest now that he is older.

I think Fargo will begin to add new words and phrases in time. Especially if you are watching those lectures in your room and Fargo can see and hear them. When you and your family talk to him he will learn from that too. These parrots are so smart they WANT to communicate with us and will learn our language so that they can successfully accomplish communication.
Especially if you are watching those lectures in your room and Fargo can see and hear them.
Hahaha if he learns the lectures, you can take him around to schools to teach resuscitation techniques. :D The kids will love it.
Thank you Rebecca!!! I have had a quick read at your recent threads, i am so sorry about it all.. Seems to be a big mess, but you are pulling through! I wish i could give you a big hug!!!

I am sure Valentino will be fine with being alone a bit more until you figure things out!

You might need to make him some harder foraging toys :eek: Goodness that boy has a clever little brain!!!

He is a champion forager! I have seen that screw box forager, very expensive to get it in Australia :(

Fargo figured out that treasure box forager faster than i did -_- haha

and that is so cute he is learning to copy you! :p He probably loves making you laugh too!

Yes i watch my lectures in my room! I am not sure he finds it interesting, they kind of go on and on for 3 hours each haha ^_^

Strudel that would be awesome ;) Fargo would love to be my little helper!

How cool is this-

I got 100% on my paramedics test today..

and i submitted my acute myocardial infarction assignment yesterday, it was a powerpoint presentation with me talking for 13 minutes over it...

and after i submitted i got an email from my lecturer who said- 'Your voice is awesome'

Hahahahah :D They say every day is an interview for a paramedic student, and everyone knows everyone, so you need to have good impressions on everyone.. So my lecturer likes me, so that is one step forward! :p
Hahaha when i go up for my res schools in september (campus is at rockhamptom, i am near toowoomba) Fargo will be coming along, so i might be able to take him on campus for a little bit and they would all love me then! :p I will just use him to get love ;)

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