What does this behaviour mean

I hope your vet appointment goes well. Keep us updated on how she is doing.

I have a parrot who feather plucks. He barbers, scissors, plucks, and will self mutilate. It’s perplexing, and there really isn’t always a good answer, or treatment for it. I really hope this isn’t the case with your beautiful Amazon.
thank you, the vet couldn't see us today but i really hope we get there by the end of the week! i have been wanting to go for weeks but the vet is always unavailable!

thank you for mentioning this, i didn't even know there were different terms for FDB. i hope we can one day it will be easier to find the cause of FDB in different parrots and easier to solve it.
What a gorgeous bird! I think she looks very well and happy. And it’s spring. It should be time to replace some feathers, body contour feathers if not wing and tail feathers. (Since she’s a baby I don’t know if she’ll moult much.) Maybe you will find from the vet that there is no plucking issue. The feathers in the photos look quite nice.

such a pretty girl! Showers or baths, good food, petting and scritches (carefull to loosen up pin feather sheaths), and maybe some time under a full spectrum lamp or in the sunshine (inside her cage or harnessed) will all be good things for your bird’s new feathers. I have never had a pet amazon but seeing all those closeup feather pics makes me want to get my nice long nails on her chickeny neck for a good scritch. Willow and Jasper will have to do. Aww.
apparently other owners of young parrots have noticed that they really don't look after their feathers well and often look as if they have been plucking, maybe thats the case.

the other thing i thought it could be was a vitamin deficiency or some sorts. i do try to give her all the vitamins she needs through her food but she is still not great at eating her vegetables, i am looking for a mineral supplement to add to her food as well.

she is a joy to scritch, there is lots of eye pinning and i melt when she closes her eyes.
The only are of concern I see is near her leg.
that area resembles an area on my Bingo’s chest when he was over-preening. Light green turns to a wet dark green appearance (without being wet).
I would definitely have the vet check out that spot.
i will point that out to the vet, and keep an eye on it myself. there are a lot of down feathers between her legs and i do see her preening there often.

There she is having a mist. Her feathers don’t look bad when she has showers.
*also that fan is NEVER on!
Here she is all fanned out!
She loves doing this when she gets misted
The only are of concern I see is near her leg.
that area resembles an area on my Bingo’s chest when he was over-preening. Light green turns to a wet dark green appearance (without being wet).
I would definitely have the vet check out that spot..
Here she is all fanned out!
She loves doing this when she gets misted
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What a cool photo! beautiful colors and you can see all the feather tracts so defined! This really shows how the groups of feathers are laid out.
That is clearly an Amazon in full display! It is important to understand that it is a root display that can have several meanings from impressing you, I'm so proud of myself, to I'm hormonal, (take care).

This is were knowing Amazon Body Language becomes so important as such displays commonly are part of a couple of other indicators that more define which it is. See Amazon Forum, Sticky Thread at the top.
That is clearly an Amazon in full display! It is important to understand that it is a root display that can have several meanings from impressing you, I'm so proud of myself, to I'm hormonal, (take care).

This is were knowing Amazon Body Language becomes so important as such displays commonly are part of a couple of other indicators that more define which it is. See Amazon Forum, Sticky Thread at the top.
i read it before but not since i got winnie! it makes much more sense now as i can connect her behaviour to the description!

i think this fanning out was just a 'showing off' kind of thing, she gets very excited when its shower time. she is only 7 months so i don't think she will get hormonal for a while (correct me if i am wrong though)
She is just taking it in so to speak.
pure enjoyment.
Avian vets are harder to find. I was really lucky that my local vet referred me to an avian vet who was on the board of Midwest avian adoption & rescue services. She had experience with birds with feather destruction behaviors, and she’s also managed flocks that have medical issues, and disabilities. I could tell she has a huge heart for parrots in shelters, and wants to help.

Depending on where you are there are people on here that have sent links on where to find a vet. Hopefully you are able to get her in by the end of the week to make sure she is okay.
Avian vets are harder to find. I was really lucky that my local vet referred me to an avian vet who was on the board of Midwest avian adoption & rescue services. She had experience with birds with feather destruction behaviors, and she’s also managed flocks that have medical issues, and disabilities. I could tell she has a huge heart for parrots in shelters, and wants to help.

Depending on where you are there are people on here that have sent links on where to find a vet. Hopefully you are able to get her in by the end of the week to make sure she is okay.
they are even harder to find here in india!
we should be there by friday, our vet is getting a tool to get winnies band off (thats a whole other thing) so that should get to her soon.
god i hope we get to the vet tomorrow. winnies feathers look a mess, all her tail feathers are frayed, her feathers near the legs are frayed, her head has lost feathers, all her feathers seem to come out easily now, i was harness training her today and she put her head through the loop and when she pulled it out a couple of feathers fell off her cheek. i will ask for a blood test to be done by the vet so we can rule out if it is a medical problem. maybe its a mineral deficiency, i have to get a supplement from the uk because there are no good ones here, does this look ok? https://www.northernparrots.com/daily-essentials-3-powdered-multi-vitamins-prod6040a/
and maybe this too ? - https://www.northernparrots.com/feather-up-feather-conditioning-supplement-prod6070a/

thanks for all the replies so far they do calm me down and give me some reassurance, i very much appreciate them all.
we are going today!!! at 5 pm, so winnie isn't eating anything from now on (got some chop before though) for the anaesthetic. she's going to be very angry at me for taking away all her food. can't wait for it to be finally off! i'm sure winnie will be glad too.
When looking at parrot behavior, the main goal is to comprehend what he/she is trying to say to you, or in simpler terms - "I have heard the bird. Every word".
When looking at parrot behavior, the main goal is to comprehend what he/she is trying to say to you, or in simpler terms - "I have heard the bird. Every word".
i will keep that in mind. Its a great way to look at it, birds deserve a lot of respect and understanding, theres always a reason behind their behaviour you just have to dig a little deeper to find out what it is.
Just got back from the vet an hour ago!
we spent 2 hours at the vet and 2 in the car, but it was worth it to get winnie's ring off finally!
she was an angel the whole time and didn't make a peep. she was amazing in the car and much mroe relaxed than the last trip

so the vet said that it looked like it was just molting, i didn't get a blood test as it would have been too much for winnie after just waking up from the anaesthetic, too much stress.

And the supplements are being brought out here from the uk.

i will keep an eye on her feathers, it might be like the vet said, just a harsh molt. Not too sure why her feathers near her legs look so bad though, does look like she is barbering a bit there.

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