What do you do with no diagnosis?

Thank you Allee.

She has been getting laser therapy on her scabs for 2 months now, and I have only great things to say about it. She is very relaxed after treatments and I know it takes some of the pain away. She is down to only 1 mutilation wound. The laser helps it heal very fast. The other areas where she used to have scabs have all refeathered now and she has left them alone. Now to get this last one healed up!
That's great news to hear about Jimmy. I've never heard of laser treatment for this. So happy for you that it's working well :).

I hope the wait is not too much longer for the lab results.
You're not too far from us in Atlanta. There are a few good avian vets here and it's worth the trip if you don't get answers soon. I will look into the names of them if you're interested, one is even a 24-hour avian vet.
I put Laser Therapy on my list of Questions during our next visit to our Avian Vet. Thanks for commenting on it!
I have a pretty mixed opinion on laser treatments. They are a service, and generate a lot of income for veterinary practices. I currently cannot find any definitive proof or studies indicating laser treatment is effective at anything but emptying wallets of loving pet owners.

If and when I can find peer-reviewed studies on the topic, then I will think differently on the topic. The only documentation I can find is from someone selling lasers or laser treatments. Many chiropractors offer these laser treatments, and I think the same thing about chiropractors as I do about lasers. Chiropractic treatment was a contributing factor to my severe spinal injuries, which resulted in eventually having a spinal cord injury so it's personal for me.

I'm willing to do anything for my pets which helps them heal, but neither I or my husband can find any evidence proving lasers do much of anything.
Well, bacteria labs not back yet, but cytology lab showed no cancer cells.

The vet doesn't want to proceed with referring or changing medication until the rest of the results come back. I asked to be contacted right away and have medications ready, so I can start ASAP.

We did laser on her neck today and will be continuing that in later sessions.

Right now, I'm trying to find a clinic that works with exotics and has digital thermography equipment to get a better handle on where exactly the infection is. Machines are still new and expensive, so I'll have to travel if we go this route (no one owns the machine at all in NC, TN or GA, my immediate area).
Still nothing back. I have appointment for Monday in VA - non avian clinic, but they graciously agreed to take the thermal images of both my birds to send to my vet and others.

The idea behind this tech is that heat radiates from areas of inflammation. It can show things that Xrays cannot, doesn't require anesthesia, and is actually pretty cheap to do.

Today is Jimmy's hatch day. I wanted to be able to heal her for her birthday, but since that hasn't happened I am going to try to make it the most fun day I can for her. It's going to be sunny and warm, so we'll be outside sipping smoothies and hiking by the river.
Big day today! I ended up doing the VA vet trip drive all in one day, so we are home now.

Got bacteria results back from Jimmy's mucous, nothing abnormal. HOWEVER...

THERMAL IMAGING IS AMAZING! I am bouncing off the walls. It was so easy and stress free for the birds and it is showing Beau has inflammation in his neck/shoulders, and Jimmy's entire chest is inflamed (and on her scab under wing). Their sinuses are fine (!).

Whole visit with both birds was $90. This test was so cheap and it has given the most helpful info yet about what might be going on!

My vet sent referral stuff today, but when I talked to her the 2nd vet's office was closed so I haven't scheduled yet. Trying to get in ASAP. I won't make them suffer by waiting any longer.
Do they have any idea what this inflammation is caused by? I'm so glad you're at least gaining headway. Crossing my fingers they'll get to the bottom of this very soon.

Edit: I see you have to go to the other vet still... Sorry, brain not working tonight lol. I sure hope they can tell you something definitive.
I am suspicious of it being air sacs right now, but it's just a guess. I am seeing the referral vet tomorrow and hoping she can interpret them along with the other info and make a clear diagnosis.

Appointment is just for Jimmy. I think Beau has additional issues, but he is the stronger one right now.

Here are a couple of the photos. Hottest is white, then red then yellow. I think Beau's frontal photo is the most normal/healthy (first photo). Second photo is his back with the inflammation (this is easiest one I think to see what is going on). He also had hot feet and vent area it looks like. Third photo is Jimmy - you can see her whole body and legs are red :(


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The specialist found something!

I guess it could be a long story, but short version is the labwork done on Jimmy's mucous was misinterpreted by the lab.

The specialist did another nasal flush and had the equipment and know how to examine it right there and then. There were no signs inflammation, however there were blobs of bacteria all through it! She said it looked like staph or strep, and we used the culture and sensitivity test results I got back on Monday to choose a new antibiotic. No matter where the infection is, this medicine should stop it.

If this works, then I can concentrate on helping Jimmy stop mutilating. The specialist also is thinking there might have been nerve damage from when Jimmy was hurt at the bad vet (3 vets have told me this is a possibility now). Laser treatment can help with this, and there is also an oral medicine.

Crossing fingers.
Good vibes that from here on out, your babies will continue to get an accurate diagnosis, and the correct meds and treatments to make them all better.
The specialist found something!

I guess it could be a long story, but short version is the labwork done on Jimmy's mucous was misinterpreted by the lab.

The specialist did another nasal flush and had the equipment and know how to examine it right there and then. There were no signs inflammation, however there were blobs of bacteria all through it! She said it looked like staph or strep, and we used the culture and sensitivity test results I got back on Monday to choose a new antibiotic. No matter where the infection is, this medicine should stop it.

If this works, then I can concentrate on helping Jimmy stop mutilating. The specialist also is thinking there might have been nerve damage from when Jimmy was hurt at the bad vet (3 vets have told me this is a possibility now). Laser treatment can help with this, and there is also an oral medicine.

Crossing fingers.

I hope you have found a breakthrough! Once the exact organism is determined, a course of medication should eradicate the infection. Really good news, please keep us posted!!
Yay - thank you everyone :)

She has to take meds 3x a day by mouth, which she hates! But I guess she is getting lots of exercise flying away from me. She seems happier/brighter today and is talking more. I don't know if it's just me feeling hopeful, but I'd like to think meds are working.

When we know if this is working, we're going to try to figure out what's going on with Beau. Whew.
You are one of my new heroes.
The bravery and dedication you showed impressed me greatly... I'm kinda new here and just stumbled on this thread.
Thank GOODNESS it seems as if a solution is in sight.
As things improve, may I tell you a funny story that happened to me long ago?

Some 20 years ago, the Rickeybird hurt his left (and preferred) foot after a particularly apocalyptic battle with an evil hanging toy that was about twice his size; I banished it thereafter.

So the vet (also a bird lover/owner and a dear friend) looked at him and said he was fine, probably a bit sore, but didn't need anything more than a week's healing or so. He was hesitant to step on it, didn't want to return to the cage perch after I would have him out... I indulged him... went through all kinds of hassle and care and extra love and solicitations and treats to get him to go back on the perch. A few days went by... I was unaware that he was developing a new 'behavior'.

After a week, everything looked fine, but he still seemed "unable" to make that first step with his poor injured left foot. My friend came over and I demonstrated... poor bird just couldn't do it! His foot was paralyzed!!! She took him from me and placed him on the perch with ease. Repeated it. Then I tried... again, his poor 'disabled' foot just couldn't function!

Yep, he was playing me! My friend and I laughed and laughed! He was smart enough to trick ME, but not smart enough to avoid giving himself away with somebody else! Now that I knew what was going on, I pretty quickly got firm with him and the issue was resolved.

You hang in there! I hope the diagnosis/treatment issue is worked out soon. Then your fids will be back to playing YOU!!!!

Gail and the RB
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Hope this means the end of health issues for poor Jimmy Bullet (and Beau too once you get him in as well). So stressful to have sick birds :(
I think I would rather be sick myself than have a sick bird... at least I can say what hurts, and understand what's going on.
Thank you so much Gail for the kind words and story! What little opportunists they are! I bet Rickybird enjoyed the extra TLC while he had it.

And thank you too Printer Bird.. I always smile when I see you post. Dipper is one of my favorite forum birds :)

Jimmy Bullet is doing a lot better since she had the Cephalexin. She hasn't plucked or mutilated since, and she has been scab free for about 3 weeks now. I think she will fully refeather.

She is still having sinus pain (that is how the vet characterized the sneezing/scratching/head flicking). Not diagnosed yet, but we are trying. The specialist is away for another week, but we're scheduled as soon as she gets back.

We've been away from home for 2 weeks now to see if that would help with symptoms, in case it's environmental. Beau just finished a round of the same antibiotic, so he's being taken care of too. He's a strong little guy.

I am so thankful that I have my parrot back - Jimmy is active and playing again. She went months without touching her toys. Then after the meds, she was going through several a day! I had this big box of them saved and she tore through them in no time. I can't tell you how awesome that made me feel :)

Oh and while she was so ill, she refused to shower. I was getting used to having a scruffy bird. She finally took one a couple days ago and soaked to the skin! Omg I forgot how silky her feathers could be!
A little update..

Nasal flushes seem to be the best diagnostic tool so far. Bacterias are gone, but there was a little bit of fungus in Jimmy's mucous this time, and a budding yeast in Beau's - and so they are being medicated again. Also got body x-rays of Jimmy, which are being looked at by a couple great specialists.

A week has passed since the medicine with no change, but have also been working with a mold inspector on the air quality in here. There may be some mold in the subflooring from an unresolved roof leak. We did have higher counts in the air sample that was taken (asper), so as of tomorrow we are staying somewhere else until the issue is resolved. They don't think it's a big infestation or anything, so it can be fixed with fogging.

For anyone who may be going through something similar, I did read about heat treating to kill mold - this is something I am trying to find out about as an alternative to fogging. The chemical used for the fog (Microban) is a cleaner and supposed to be on the safe side (they said it's used to fog hospitals), but of course anything like that is scary when it comes to the birds. Seeing what I can find out about it too.

Hoping that being in a different environment again and being on antifungal/antiyeast medicines help my little guys. Good thing they both like to travel.
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