What do you do...when the bird bug hits you bad?


Mar 7, 2013
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Shreveport, La USA
Porter (Broto); Fuggles(Budgie)
I miss having four birds..

Without Blue around its far more quiet in the house I swear.

Can't afford another bird so I'm just staring at ads and all sorts of other things.

Its driving me crazy but as usual the money situation comes first.

Between vet bills; Food for the snake and the flock...

And my insane need to constantly rearrange and redo EVERYTHING...
I'm driving the husband crazy as well.

All I can do is plan ahead a few years... in which I already KNOW I want to have lovebirds; Parrotlets.. and more Brotos!

When I get bit by the bird bug I come here; stare at pretty bird pictures..sigh and then deal with it. After a while Porter flies over snuggles and loves and acts his silly clownish self and I feel better.
Well I just got my first bird a month ago so I don't feel experienced enough to add another for a while. Probably not for three years until I'm out of college. But for me, this forum has the opposite effect. Seeing the pictures and reading the stories makes my MBS flare up, lol it doesn't make it better. So far I want a cokatiel, a macaw and an African grey.... the list keeps growing lol. I think this forum just does that to people...
Wished my wife believed the way you do, she feels she has secret knowledge. Money does grow on trees, and if you create enough of a vacum, it will draw what you need. Your husband is blessed!
I want more birds too. I'm waiting till I have more income unless I find a free one. I almost got a free conure but she gave it to someone else. This was before I got my budgie Ace. I don't know if I'll ever get another bird because I can't do a proper quarantine so I can either never get another bird or I have to take a risk. But for now I have to tame and bond with Ace first.
I've had birds for a long time, and I've been accustomed to having anywhere from 1-3. This, since last year is the first time I've had more than 3 at a time.

Now I have 4, and even though one is a tiny Budgie, it makes a difference! Well, it might not phase some, but to me it's noticeably more work than 3. Size from 30 grams to 240 grams doesn't make a difference either! My Budgie is no less maintenance than my Pionus. These 4 are all pretty low maintenance species too, as far as parrots go. Still I feel like I'm constantly cleaning... and trust me, it can be even cleaner!

As long as we're taking care of my dad with Alzheimer's, I can't have any more birds. Even if I was able to, I sometimes think that what I have is enough when I look at all the cleaning, and I'm not talking about deep cleaning, I'm just talking about changing papers and wiping and vacuuming. By the time I'm done with 4, I find my self having the feeling of "thank God that's the last one!"

One day, I'd like to get Twigs my Budgie another friend of his own kind... Since his buddy died, he hangs out with the parrots, but I wish he had another Budgie friend. That would be more ideal for him. I wish I had a little aviary for him and a new friend.

My Robin is an 'older man', but I am really counting on him living at least another 10 years. Then with Raven and Griffin... Sure I dream about more, and certain species I want, but like I say, CLEANING is the #1 wake up call and cure for my MBS haha!

Edit: and I agree about the vet bills. Even with good, responsible owners stuff can happen! I've spent thousands on credit alone - Robin's surgery, Raven's permanent sinus issue, Pix's genetic issues before he died, Griffin's toenail ripped (most likely bitten) off... Plus everyone's yearly wellness checks. That really adds up :53:

There's your long answer to a short question :)
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I miss having four birds..
Can't afford another bird so I'm just staring at ads and all sorts of other things.

What about a parakeet? I got all my three budgies for free, and my lovie was only $20. There are many rescues out there for next to nothing. :)
Between Daffy's vet bills.
And other stuff.. I cannot afford a budgie.
They are cheap to buy... but not cheap to keep when yer as crazy as I am xD
I've literally spent thousands on Daffy.

I got her for $20... so yeah cage space might be a little smaller than I'd like...
But they are healthy and happy so...

I understand that completely. Pumpkin was not too expensive either and I fully expected to spend more on his set up and supplies than I did on him, isn't that how it always works?! Haha. I just had no idea how much more. It's become like a fun obsession. I've spent upwards of $3.5k in the last 2 months on a $200 bird which just does not make sense to my fiance at all... he's not surprised, just doesn't understand it.
What a lot of people might not realize, is that just because you buy a "healthy" bird and feed good foods, and take great care of it... It does not mean you'll never have large vet bills. Sure, you might not ever, or not for a long time... But, for example I'd had my Robin for about 19 years with no problems until he needed an expensive surgery last year (he's still alive and well;)). Then Pix (Budgie) who was only $16.99 to buy, but as genetic defects are fairly common in Budgies, he was one of the unfortunate ones I came to find out over $1000 and several vet trips later before he succumbed, that there was nothing that could be done.
Also even when we're careful, when you have multiple birds that have access to each other, there can be one injuring another, and it only takes a split second with your back turned. That's besides the yearly wellness checks that add up too.

Besides how "fun" I mentioned cleaning is... Thinking about vet bills is another cure for MBS for me :)
Cleaning and vet bills! Good! I need to keep these in mind next time a see cute macaw pictures haha

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