What do you call your Fids

Mika -- Mika-meek, Mika-Topica, Squeaka, Mika-bird

Cayenne -- Cayenne-my-main-man, Cayenne-bird, Orange Chicken

Katana -- Tana, Tana-birdy, Katana-bird, Tan-tan

Monk -- Monky, Monky-bird

Tauntaun -- squack and poo, squack and chew, squackatoo, Sugar Booger, Tauntaun-birdie

Onyx -- puppy-bird, cuddle bug
Sugar booger, sweetie, Crushtopher, Lucy(fer). On bad days, its their name followed by damnit! Example: "Lucy Damnit! Stop picking the keys off the keyboard!" "Crush Damnit! Stop humping the mouse!" etc...

I'm dying because someone else but my mom calls their bird Sugar Booger.

Did you get it from Jimmy Nuetron's parents too? That's where my mom got it. O.O

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