What can kill a parrot

What an excellent article! The whole site is very informative. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the article! I'm printing them out and taping them up in every room of my house :D.

Self-Cleaning Ovens!!

Related to #1, Overheated non-stick cookware... My brother-in-law just had an African Grey drop dead a few weeks ago after he set his oven to self-clean while he and his wife went shopping.

They have over 80 yrs experience between them with many bird species and had never heard of this until their AG died.

Something in the Teflon is HIGHLY poisonous to birds... it's not the Teflon itself, but when Teflon is heated to high temperatures, it releases a gas that will kill many birds in a heart-beat! AG's are the most susceptible to this.

He is pretty upset... their AG had been with them for MANY years... after they got back from shopping, all was fine until they opened the door to kitchen... not even 2 minutes later, their AG was dead!!!!

:green: I have read a lot of safety posts on this forum. I just came across this post from several years ago and found it very informative. I hope no-one minds the bump :)

http://www.boaf.com/article_3.htm (Parrots Die From)
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This would probably kill a parrot.


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All these potential hazards are the reason my birds live in their own facility. Thus, I don't live in my house. I simply sleep there.

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