what are you looking forward to this year?

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  • #21
AH! A fellow Tamsyn Muir fan!!!

Also very excited for this!

Otherwise, I guess I am excited for our new electric car we ordered that wonโ€™t get here until July (Iโ€™ve been driving a 98 VW Beetle for 6-7 years now).
O: I was not expecting to find someone else who's read the books on here. I am downright obsessed with the books and it's like the #1 thing im looking forward to this year. I was so excited when they did the cover reveal and I am obsessed with Nona and Noodle the dog.
I guess I'll do one for this year:
-Finally figuring out what the heck is wrong with my brain
-Taking the little guys on hikes in their carrier
-Building a treehouse
-Getting a basketball hoop for the front of my garage
-Exploring the woods and bogs around my house
-Getting my turtle out of my room and into a bigger tank
-Budgie chaos
-Not having to do school for 2 months
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  • #24
guess I'll do one for this year too!
- My puppy to be hecking potty trained
- my niece being born
- Apollo to stop laying eggs
- alecto the ninth maybe?

honestly there isn't a lot this year I'm looking forward to quiet yet :(
Here's mine for 2023:
-harness training Snowberry
-Halloween I guess?
-my partner moving in with me
-getting some more bird toys
-spending more time outside with the birds
-taking Lilla to pet stores
-experimenting with my hair
I guess I'll do one for this year:
-Finally figuring out what the heck is wrong with my brain
-Taking the little guys on hikes in their carrier
-Building a treehouse
-Getting a basketball hoop for the front of my garage
-Exploring the woods and bogs around my house
-Getting my turtle out of my room and into a bigger tank
-Budgie chaos
-Not having to do school for 2 months
That sounds fun! I always wanted a treehouse so itโ€™s super cool to see someone building one!

Front of your garage? Is it like my grandparentsโ€™ one where it is mounted on the actual house?

Ooh I love exploring! I hope you find some cool stuff in the bogs and woods!

Ooh what species of turtle is it? Painted? Slider? Soft shell?

Super fun sounding summer!
guess I'll do one for this year too!
- My puppy to be hecking potty trained
- my niece being born
- Apollo to stop laying eggs
- alecto the ninth maybe?

honestly there isn't a lot this year I'm looking forward to quiet yet :(
At least itโ€™s something! Maybe things will pop up and be exciting! Like maybe a surprise trip or something?
Front of your garage? Is it like my grandparentsโ€™ one where it is mounted on the actual house?
Ooh what species of turtle is it? Painted? Slider? Soft shell?
Red-Eared Slider, unfortunately an impulse purchase by my father. No one wants her (there are 30 or so RES for rehoming within a 50-mile radius from my home, all of which have been on there for months), so I'm stuck with her.
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  • #29

Red-Eared Slider, unfortunately an impulse purchase by my father. No one wants her (there are 30 or so RES for rehoming within a 50-mile radius from my home, all of which have been on there for months), so I'm stuck with her.
One day if I ever get a really big house I wanna get a turtle. Either a red eared or african side neck. both are readily available to rescue and what not.
Oh yay, 2023 hopes!

I hope I finish my book, so I can get started on my next one - I want to do a kidโ€™s parrot alphabet book! :) If I can really haul butt, I would love to have it done and registered and printed in time for the local parrot convention in September so I can have a booth there!

I hope we can sort out our budgeting so we can start the process of buying a larger house. We are looking for our โ€œforeverโ€ house, somewhere a bit more rural than here, with a decent yard and an ADU I can use for my workshop stuff (like 3d printers, and maybe even a CNC router) that I canโ€™t have in the main house due to the kids and pets. We could get approved for something like this now, but I think it would be smarter to practice & pretend we are at the higher mortgage *now*, and get used to it first, while saving the extra money as a rainy day fund!

Also, we are working with a local rescue to find a parrot that Kirby doesnโ€™t take offense to, that in turn doesnโ€™t take offense to the kids. A delicate balance, haha.

Oh, and I really hope we can figure out a good family vacation that isnโ€™t so spendy!
I don't really look forward anything to in this year.... mainly because of the pandemic. Right now I can just say that I'm waiting for realizing 2 movies and 2 series (one new and one continuation). The rest is unknown.
Lol, this year is as much "fascinating" as the previous one - I'm waiting for news about 5 series (2 new and 3 continuations)๐Ÿ˜

Ok, out of TV... I will start working soon. Finally

Red-Eared Slider, unfortunately an impulse purchase by my father. No one wants her (there are 30 or so RES for rehoming within a 50-mile radius from my home, all of which have been on there for months), so I'm stuck with her.
Thatโ€™s super cool!

Aww poor sliders! Itโ€™s a good thing you are taking good care of her. There are way too many turtles who have bad or abhorrent care and it sounds like you are doing her right By giving her the care she needs.

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