What are the Pros and Cons of Microchipping your parrot?


May 15, 2023
Congo African Grey
Hello Family:

My CAG Sailor had her feathers clipped when she was 6 months old. It was a bad decision
I regretted it immediately. Nearly 13 months later her feathers have grown back, and she
flies in the house and patio enclosure. I want her to fly and be happy, but I am concerned
that if startled or afraid she'll fly away.

I plan to get her microchipped. I liked to hear from anyone who knows this journey firsthand.
Is it painful to the parrot? How long will the chip last in a 2-year-old CAG? Has anyone
actually, retrieved a parrot that has a chip it? Will this cause behavior problems? What other
methods can I use to keep her safe. She has a leg band, but I don' feel that's enough.
I thank you in advance for your efforts.

Microchips work great - IF the parrot is recovered by someone who is inclinded to take the parrot to a vet who can read the thing. But sadly, if one were to find a bag of money, over 3 grand, on the street would the average person turn that in? Your best course is to make sure your Grey never ever escapes.
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Good point, I'd be counting on the integrity of others.
The one benefit I could see is if your bird is stolen ( or picked up and not returned ) the microchip would serve as proof of your ownership once/ if you find the bird. That being said, I agree that keeping your bird from ever escaping in the first place is always your best bet! My dog is chipped and aside from a little pain when the chip is inserted, it’s never bothered her one bit. I feel like birds are more sensitive creatures, though, and might get more upset by the process.
As far as pain goes, the microchip does hurt a bit to go in--it's about the size of a grain of rice, and needs a syringe needle of a large enough gauge to insert it. Once it's in, though, it shouldn't cause pain, and the chip rarely comes back out after it's embedded. I have had that happen before, so I know it's possible, but I worked at a shelter where we embedded hundreds of chips a month and it happened so, so rarely.

As mentioned, the real question mark is whether the bird will be scanned in the first place. Between a chip and a leg band, I think the chip will be more likely to bring your bird home to you, but it's fairly rare to chip birds so whether a vet would think to scan your bird is the problem.
My only real complaint about chips is that they can move. My dog has one and it slid from between her shoulder blades down to her elbow. Not painful, but it is weird. :)
2 of mine are chipped.

They got a little calmed down by meds and then it was inserted with a needle. They did scream when it was inserted. Not sure if it was the pain or the fact that a stranger was holding them and poking them. They calmed down quickly. Seems like the pain/sting of the needle was temporary/very brief.

Never had any issues. Happy with my choice.
Birds are drones just type recall in your computer or contact the pentagon.....

Yes I'm being funny

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