What are some times your bird almost made you panic?


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
I thought I'd start this thread As I'm pretty sure that One time our fids have scared us and made us feel sick from being paranoid, I have way too many experiences like this.. by none other but the one and only Snowii! And make sure to share your panic stories too! So I'll share some:

Yesterday night, I put the birds to sleep for the night, I off the lights of the bird room and Said my usual goodbyes (I am weird for this, I know, But I baby talk to all three of them birbs. I say it all in a high pitched-low voice because it makes the three of them relax as I say my night nights.). And so, I left the bird room. And after sometime of studying for the exam which I had the next day, I decided to give snowii a night scritch. And so, I uncovered the cage, put my hand in as snowii would bow her head for a scritch. and I wanted to examine her, so I onned the lights. And so, Thats when I noticed snowii has one nostril bigger than the other. I gasped that even snowii flinched, ' ' What is it, mom? ' was written all over her face. I examined even closer, ( my brain would simply not comprehend that she had just drank water, Got her front nostril feathers wet and revealed one more than the other.) My heart ached from the thoughts of the disease, and I left the room for 15 minutes. when I came back, everything was back to normal. Snowii innocently watched my reactions with that adorable face of hers.. And thats when my mother told me not to fret and it was no problem. I sighed in relief, gave snowii a goodnight kiss and finally went to sleep. My dumb brain almost made me call a vet.. god- I am a very paranoid person!

I have many more, But I would like to see your guys' stories too~! šŸ˜„


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
Jan 9, 2023
Quaker, 2 budgies
Ha ha! So glad Snowii is ok! Shortly after I started letting my recently adopted budgie, Fay, have free- flight of the room, I walked in and couldnā€™t see her anywhere!!! I thought, ā€œ oh no, I just adopted this bird and I already lost her!ā€ Turns out she was climbing around the back side of the window blinds! She popped her head around the blind after I spent several minutes near- frantically searching and calling and was like, ā€œ hey mom, whatā€™s up?ā€ Sheā€™s found several other
places to ā€œ disappearā€ but now at least I know most of her secret spots!


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
Ha ha! So glad Snowii is ok! Shortly after I started letting my recently adopted budgie, Fay, have free- flight of the room, I walked in and couldnā€™t see her anywhere!!! I thought, ā€œ oh no, I just adopted this bird and I already lost her!ā€ Turns out she was climbing around the back side of the window blinds! She popped her head around the blind after I spent several minutes near- frantically searching and calling and was like, ā€œ hey mom, whatā€™s up?ā€ Sheā€™s found several other View attachment 53956places to ā€œ disappearā€ but now at least I know most of her secret spots!
My budgies like to fly into my walk in closet and perch somewhere like on a handing jacket and sit very still and silently watch me frantically searching for them. One green budgie got lose and I finally found her perched in a very tall houseplant. Then there's the deep windowsills in the cupola about 14 feet high in my main living area. When perched up there not only is it almost impossible to get up there to retrieve them, but the sills are so deep I can't even see them. I've panicked many times when I couldn't find a budgie who had flown up there and remained for up to 12 hours! I have a huge ceiling fan below this cupola and I had one budgie that escaped when the fan was on but managed to avoid the moving blades and flew up and hid herself up there for half a day!


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
My budgies like to fly into my walk in closet and perch somewhere like on a handing jacket and sit very still and silently watch me frantically searching for them. One green budgie got lose and I finally found her perched in a very tall houseplant. Then there's the deep windowsills in the cupola about 14 feet high in my main living area. When perched up there not only is it almost impossible to get up there to retrieve them, but the sills are so deep I can't even see them. I've panicked many times when I couldn't find a budgie who had flown up there and remained for up to 12 hours! I have a huge ceiling fan below this cupola and I had one budgie that escaped when the fan was on but managed to avoid the moving blades and flew up and hid herself up there for half a day!
When I was handfeeding my budgie Rocky. All was going great- she ate very well and was growing quickly. When she was three weeks old I tried a different brand of formula one evening and when i woke early the next morning, Rocky was her usual hungry self but her poops had turned RED! I was terrified she was bleeding and rushed her to the vet. He examined her and her poop and she was fine. Some ingredient in the new formula had turned her poop red. The final big panic- I caught Rocky nibbling on a cannabis bud that had fallen on the floor. I took it away from her and didn't think she had actually eaten any of it until the next morning when she was lethargic and unsteady on her perch. I thought she was sick but she was eating and drinking well. Then i rememembed the cannabis bud! I was still panicked thinking she might die from it and it was a weekend and the vet was closed, but after 36 hours she was back to her old self! Bird ownership certainly isn't for the faint of heart!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
May 9, 2022
Indiana, USA
Ona: Dilute Green Cheek Conure
They are so fragile we can't help but panic sometimes! Well, for me twice Ona has flown into a window. One time was far worse than the other and she actually went into shock. That terrified me. Another time she flew upstairs on her own and we couldn't find her anywhere. 'Til I walked up the steps and there she was all like "what's going on Mom"?


Well-known member
May 16, 2022
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Charlie (M) - 23 yrs - Peach Front Conure
Redshift (M)-22yrs - normal Cockatiel
Moon (M) - 2 ys - wf pied cockatiel
Chara (F)- 1 yr - wf pied cockatiel
I had a serious scare about 20 years ago. I was new to bird keeping and still had a LOT to learn. My birds had freeflight in my then studio and while I was at the computer, which was behind the drawing table, one of my cockatiels (Looks at Redshift accusingly) decided to chew on an exposed part of wire to my table lamp! Please note, I covered my wires in tubing to prevent stuff like this from happening.

I heard a SPARK! SQUEAK! and whipped around to see the table lamp off and a very alarmed looking cockatiel. Long story short, he was okay and the lamp went into the garbage. I used tape to cover up any more exposed wires that the tubing couldn't get to.

Just proves that no matter how prepared you think you are, the birds will prove you otherwise!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month šŸ†
May 9, 2022
Indiana, USA
Ona: Dilute Green Cheek Conure
I had a serious scare about 20 years ago. I was new to bird keeping and still had a LOT to learn. My birds had freeflight in my then studio and while I was at the computer, which was behind the drawing table, one of my cockatiels (Looks at Redshift accusingly) decided to chew on an exposed part of wire to my table lamp! Please note, I covered my wires in tubing to prevent stuff like this from happening.

I heard a SPARK! SQUEAK! and whipped around to see the table lamp off and a very alarmed looking cockatiel. Long story short, he was okay and the lamp went into the garbage. I used tape to cover up any more exposed wires that the tubing couldn't get to.

Just proves that no matter how prepared you think you are, the birds will prove you otherwise!
Yikesā€¦.. maybe I should order some cord protectors.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2022
Crimson bellied conure- Tequila
Greencheek conure- Sierra
Pearled cockatiel- Malibu
Cockatiel- Volkan
Yellow budgies- Pina Colada and Houdini
Blue budgie- Lightning
White and blue budgie- Ciroc
Several times I've thought one of mine is dying and I'm going to lose them, but luckily they've always pulled through. Between crashes into the wall and windows and general birds being birds, here are my top three.

Lightning's leg
Lightning is a budgie and I have all of my birds out at the same time since they all either get on or ignore each other. I don't know what happened one day but Tequila (conure) attacked him and bit his leg pretty badly. He was bleeding a lot but was putting weight on it and it seemed fine but over the next few days he deteriorated and stopped eating, stopped putting weight on it and would just sleep. I separated him from the rest of the flock (he was already separate from the big birds, but I put him on his own) and gave him a lot of food, probiotics and left him alone for the most part. He recovered after a few days and is fine now. Conures are very unpredictable and they can easily injure smaller birds like this, I'm just lucky that it wasn't more serious.

Houdini is also a budgie and once before work I was putting them all back in their cages after they'd been out all morning when I couldn't find her. I looked for ages but eventually found her behind my chest of drawers. I got her out but she was so weak and I don't know how long she'd been stuck. She was at an awkward angle and I think she'd been struggling to get out for a while. I think a vet visit would have stressed her too much so I put her in a cage with food and water and pointed the camera at her so I could see her from work and then I had to go to work. She slept for ages but then halfway through the shift she perked up and started moving around and eating/ drinking/ flying.

I stupidly took her into the bathroom because I had visions of showering with her like I've seen people do, but she panicked and tangled herself in the light cord. I prepared myself to lose my hand as she doesn't like being touched but she actually let me untangle her without biting me.

This sounds like a lot but I have 8 birds and this happened over three years, and they have a lot of freedom so they have time to get themselves into trouble.


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
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  • #9
Ha ha! So glad Snowii is ok! Shortly after I started letting my recently adopted budgie, Fay, have free- flight of the room, I walked in and couldnā€™t see her anywhere!!! I thought, ā€œ oh no, I just adopted this bird and I already lost her!ā€ Turns out she was climbing around the back side of the window blinds! She popped her head around the blind after I spent several minutes near- frantically searching and calling and was like, ā€œ hey mom, whatā€™s up?ā€ Sheā€™s found several other View attachment 53956places to ā€œ disappearā€ but now at least I know most of her secret spots!
what a silly and adorable birb! And wow, what an expert she is in hiding!


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
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  • #10
My budgies like to fly into my walk in closet and perch somewhere like on a handing jacket and sit very still and silently watch me frantically searching for them. One green budgie got lose and I finally found her perched in a very tall houseplant. Then there's the deep windowsills in the cupola about 14 feet high in my main living area. When perched up there not only is it almost impossible to get up there to retrieve them, but the sills are so deep I can't even see them. I've panicked many times when I couldn't find a budgie who had flown up there and remained for up to 12 hours! I have a huge ceiling fan below this cupola and I had one budgie that escaped when the fan was on but managed to avoid the moving blades and flew up and hid herself up there for half a day!
Wow, what naughty birbs you have!


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
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  • #11
When I was handfeeding my budgie Rocky. All was going great- she ate very well and was growing quickly. When she was three weeks old I tried a different brand of formula one evening and when i woke early the next morning, Rocky was her usual hungry self but her poops had turned RED! I was terrified she was bleeding and rushed her to the vet. He examined her and her poop and she was fine. Some ingredient in the new formula had turned her poop red. The final big panic- I caught Rocky nibbling on a cannabis bud that had fallen on the floor. I took it away from her and didn't think she had actually eaten any of it until the next morning when she was lethargic and unsteady on her perch. I thought she was sick but she was eating and drinking well. Then i rememembed the cannabis bud! I was still panicked thinking she might die from it and it was a weekend and the vet was closed, but after 36 hours she was back to her old self! Bird ownership certainly isn't for the faint of heart!
I had this one time snowii finished bathing and was chilling on my shoulder. I gave her scritchies and all, and even after the scritch session, she was using her wings to scratch her left eye. It then got red. I panicked, Thinking it was conjunctivitis. And 3 hours later, all came back to normal. I cried that day, thinking that my bird officially has conjunctivitis... Being a bird mother sure is difficult for the heart! sometimes your heart melts of cuteness, then you have heart ache thinking your baby has a problem-!


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
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  • #12
They are so fragile we can't help but panic sometimes! Well, for me twice Ona has flown into a window. One time was far worse than the other and she actually went into shock. That terrified me. Another time she flew upstairs on her own and we couldn't find her anywhere. 'Til I walked up the steps and there she was all like "what's going on Mom"?
I can imagine her little innocent face. They're literally people who live in our house rent free!


Active member
Apr 13, 2023
Houston, Texas
Turtle (my sister's budgie. Let's be real, I'm taking care of him)
Elvis (budgie)
Olive (budgie)
Niki R.I.P (budgie)
I thought I'd start this thread As I'm pretty sure that One time our fids have scared us and made us feel sick from being paranoid, I have way too many experiences like this.. by none other but the one and only Snowii! And make sure to share your panic stories too! So I'll share some:

Yesterday night, I put the birds to sleep for the night, I off the lights of the bird room and Said my usual goodbyes (I am weird for this, I know, But I baby talk to all three of them birbs. I say it all in a high pitched-low voice because it makes the three of them relax as I say my night nights.). And so, I left the bird room. And after sometime of studying for the exam which I had the next day, I decided to give snowii a night scritch. And so, I uncovered the cage, put my hand in as snowii would bow her head for a scritch. and I wanted to examine her, so I onned the lights. And so, Thats when I noticed snowii has one nostril bigger than the other. I gasped that even snowii flinched, ' ' What is it, mom? ' was written all over her face. I examined even closer, ( my brain would simply not comprehend that she had just drank water, Got her front nostril feathers wet and revealed one more than the other.) My heart ached from the thoughts of the disease, and I left the room for 15 minutes. when I came back, everything was back to normal. Snowii innocently watched my reactions with that adorable face of hers.. And thats when my mother told me not to fret and it was no problem. I sighed in relief, gave snowii a goodnight kiss and finally went to sleep. My dumb brain almost made me call a vet.. god- I am a very paranoid person!

I have many more, But I would like to see your guys' stories too~! šŸ˜„
This was definitely the scariest experience of my life:

Okay, so our birds live in the living room and they are let out every morning for 3-4 hours. Seeing as there are two doors in that room, at first, we were very careful to close them quickly. I was almost afraid that Elvis would learn to say "SHUT THE DOOR!", considering how often I yelled it to my siblings.
Well, we got them in December, and by August, we were a lot less careful. Everyone was careful, at least, except my mother.
Well, one day, Mom was talking to my brother, about to go outside, but she was holding the door wide open. I was sitting at the computer doing something. Don't remember what. Next thing I hear is a flapping of wings and Mom shrieking, "Ayu, your bird!"
I look over just in time to see Elvis flying out the door.
I jump from my chair, and grab a piece of millet spray that was lying about. Elvis is the only bird who knows recall training, albeit not very well.
10 seconds goes by.
Just as I'm about to reach the door, my little weirdo flies back in, and onto his playground as if nothing happened. Mom SLAMS the door shut, and I am just on the couch melting with fear.
He chirps happily. It was like 100 degrees outside. I guess he enjoys air conditioning.


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
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  • #14
I had a serious scare about 20 years ago. I was new to bird keeping and still had a LOT to learn. My birds had freeflight in my then studio and while I was at the computer, which was behind the drawing table, one of my cockatiels (Looks at Redshift accusingly) decided to chew on an exposed part of wire to my table lamp! Please note, I covered my wires in tubing to prevent stuff like this from happening.

I heard a SPARK! SQUEAK! and whipped around to see the table lamp off and a very alarmed looking cockatiel. Long story short, he was okay and the lamp went into the garbage. I used tape to cover up any more exposed wires that the tubing couldn't get to.

Just proves that no matter how prepared you think you are, the birds will prove you otherwise!
I'm glad your bird is fine! And true, snowii just won't let me say that I'm a ' perfect ' bird mother-!


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
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  • #15
This was definitely the scariest experience of my life:

Okay, so our birds live in the living room and they are let out every morning for 3-4 hours. Seeing as there are two doors in that room, at first, we were very careful to close them quickly. I was almost afraid that Elvis would learn to say "SHUT THE DOOR!", considering how often I yelled it to my siblings.
Well, we got them in December, and by August, we were a lot less careful. Everyone was careful, at least, except my mother.
Well, one day, Mom was talking to my brother, about to go outside, but she was holding the door wide open. I was sitting at the computer doing something. Don't remember what. Next thing I hear is a flapping of wings and Mom shrieking, "Ayu, your bird!"
I look over just in time to see Elvis flying out the door.
I jump from my chair, and grab a piece of millet spray that was lying about. Elvis is the only bird who knows recall training, albeit not very well.
10 seconds goes by.
Just as I'm about to reach the door, my little weirdo flies back in, and onto his playground as if nothing happened. Mom SLAMS the door shut, and I am just on the couch melting with fear.
He chirps happily. It was like 100 degrees outside. I guess he enjoys air conditioning.
What a close call! Fids do something so crazy without realizing it and they simply watch us panic. Sometimes i wonder.. do they enjoy this-?!


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
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  • #16
Several times I've thought one of mine is dying and I'm going to lose them, but luckily they've always pulled through. Between crashes into the wall and windows and general birds being birds, here are my top three.

Lightning's leg
Lightning is a budgie and I have all of my birds out at the same time since they all either get on or ignore each other. I don't know what happened one day but Tequila (conure) attacked him and bit his leg pretty badly. He was bleeding a lot but was putting weight on it and it seemed fine but over the next few days he deteriorated and stopped eating, stopped putting weight on it and would just sleep. I separated him from the rest of the flock (he was already separate from the big birds, but I put him on his own) and gave him a lot of food, probiotics and left him alone for the most part. He recovered after a few days and is fine now. Conures are very unpredictable and they can easily injure smaller birds like this, I'm just lucky that it wasn't more serious.

Houdini is also a budgie and once before work I was putting them all back in their cages after they'd been out all morning when I couldn't find her. I looked for ages but eventually found her behind my chest of drawers. I got her out but she was so weak and I don't know how long she'd been stuck. She was at an awkward angle and I think she'd been struggling to get out for a while. I think a vet visit would have stressed her too much so I put her in a cage with food and water and pointed the camera at her so I could see her from work and then I had to go to work. She slept for ages but then halfway through the shift she perked up and started moving around and eating/ drinking/ flying.

I stupidly took her into the bathroom because I had visions of showering with her like I've seen people do, but she panicked and tangled herself in the light cord. I prepared myself to lose my hand as she doesn't like being touched but she actually let me untangle her without biting me.

This sounds like a lot but I have 8 birds and this happened over three years, and they have a lot of freedom so they have time to get themselves into trouble.
True. My two Budgies, Yuko and Luna, Are somehow quite mannered and prevent things that could harm them, or that I don't allow. Such as going outside the bird room when the door's open (snowii flies out with every chance she gets, just to hang out as I'm on the PC), Biting the curtains, scratching the walls, etc. But snowii always gets herself into trouble, like one of the times she tangled herself in the loose strings of a cloth and she ended up bleeding due to it, But luckily, With correct and immediate action taken, it recovered quite fast! I was so freaked out that my heart was racing, faster than a bugatti!


New member
Apr 14, 2023
3 pinapple green cheeks
3 african grey parrots
1 senagal parrot
(before I start I just want to say I have not been on parrotforums in a while...)
So we had a blanket to cover up the mirror to block the birds from flying into it. And Falcor (green cheek) decided to hide in between the blanket and the mirror. Our whole family had a panic attack trying to find falcor! We spent 1 hour trying to find him. Until, I looked at the blanket and I saw little bird nails poking out the blanket. He wasn't stuck or anything, but just trying to play hide and seek with us :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2022
Ur momā€™s car
Ricochet - Cockatiel
Cricket - Budgie
Went to get some chop for Rico to get him to try it. I was gone for FIVE MINUTES.

Came back, and apparently I forgot to lock his cage, and he was gone. I ripped my room apart for like ten minutes looking for him, calling his name, on the verge of tears, and I couldnā€™t find or hear him.

I pull out my phone to play a recording of him singing, when he screamed at me and went quiet. A few minutes later, he does it again, and I find him. He was on my backpack in my closet.

I go to get him, he flies at me, latches onto my face, and I shake him off. That wasnā€™t even the worst part! He didnā€™t even eat his veggies :/


Active member
Jan 15, 2022
UAE, Abudhabi
Yuko [M] - Yellow headed Budgie. [Healthy, Tame.]
Snowii [F] - BV dilute opaline lovebird. [Healthy, hand-raised.]
Luna [F] - Indigo budgie. [RIP,.]
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  • #19
Went to get some chop for Rico to get him to try it. I was gone for FIVE MINUTES.

Came back, and apparently I forgot to lock his cage, and he was gone. I ripped my room apart for like ten minutes looking for him, calling his name, on the verge of tears, and I couldnā€™t find or hear him.

I pull out my phone to play a recording of him singing, when he screamed at me and went quiet. A few minutes later, he does it again, and I find him. He was on my backpack in my closet.

I go to get him, he flies at me, latches onto my face, and I shake him off. That wasnā€™t even the worst part! He didnā€™t even eat his veggies :/
oof- rico sure is a very naughty birb, snowii and rico should be partners in crime!


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
Went to get some chop for Rico to get him to try it. I was gone for FIVE MINUTES.

Came back, and apparently I forgot to lock his cage, and he was gone. I ripped my room apart for like ten minutes looking for him, calling his name, on the verge of tears, and I couldnā€™t find or hear him.

I pull out my phone to play a recording of him singing, when he screamed at me and went quiet. A few minutes later, he does it again, and I find him. He was on my backpack in my closet.

I go to get him, he flies at me, latches onto my face, and I shake him off. That wasnā€™t even the worst part! He didnā€™t even eat his veggies :/
That's Rico being a BB scaring Mom to death!

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