What are some of the cute things your birds do?

That's kinda strange, Sunnyclover. I've never heard of sunnies being able to express themselves so clearly. I wonder what your secret is? hehe

I love the whole "by the rules" kind of bird description. Pretty much, Skitty to a tee. But its a two way street. It has to be, you know what they'll do if you give them the chance! lol
Oh yes Ollie says everything very clearly. His facial expressions and the few sounds he makes say it all. He's a man of few words but he chooses them wisely.
Callum has learned how to mimic my laugh, so if I'm laughing at something, he'll laugh back at me. My friends (online and in person) love it when he does it.
Lilly the lorikeet is a complete nutter. This morning she desperately wanted to jump into the pyrex dish I was using to make our breakfast. I managed to keep her out for about 30 seconds but once the dry oats went in it was too much for her to resist and she jumped right in and started eating. Her feathers were so fuzzed up to the max it looked like she was going to explode in a cloud of fuzziness! Hubby and I were laughing so hard we were crying. I pulled her out bodily and she fuzzed up even more and attacked me while I was still laughing and crying which just made me do both even harder! Breakfast is over now, hubby’s trying to do some homework on his laptop and Lilly is “helping” him. She usually does this by jumping on the keyboard and deleting his emails. No more emails = no more homework, now it’s playtime! Never a dull moment with a lorikeet indahouse!
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When I brought Callum to the vet once, because he had bumped his eye on something, the look of betrayal, mixed with "They're mean to me, dad, take me back and snuggle me." was pretty funny. He just hid in my hoodie pocket and laid under my chin the whole way home. The eye meds they gave us were NOT a hit.
Definitely the snuggles from my GSC Too, the Umbrella like to crawl under my sweater and makes little cheepy noises but perhaps the cutest of all are the gentle kisses from my Green wings huge beak. Good topic :)
We've just started target-training this week. Sunny caught on really quickly, and now every time I go by, she's finding new ways to tell me she wants to play the "touch game." Mostly, by going to the last place in her cage where we played it, and standing there hoohting at me.

Then once I get a purple stick & clicker, she's do excited that when she earns each treat (sunflower seed), she will take it in her beak, break it, and then drop it so she can earn another!

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