What am I gonna do?

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I can't understand why you would be afraid to talk to your mother. Is she going to hit you or something, for being worried about your health?!?!

What could she possibly do that you would be afraid of?

Also are there no buses in your area? Is the school not in a town centre? I can't believe there would exist an area that is not walking distance to any shops and has no public transport. If it's a poky little town too small to bother with public transport, you should be able to ride a bike or walk to some shops.

If you have no money, you should get a job, or if younger than 14, you should demand some pocket money from your mother. It's completely irresponsible to walk around with no money in your pocket. You never know what's going to happen to you, and you should ALWAYS have money with you!!

If you are truly worried, you should be stealing some money out of your mum's purse, making an immediate appointment with whatever doctor has one, and catching a taxi to the surgery! If you won't do that, you can't be too worried.

Also, what's this about a hoax? What benefit is this person going to get from making a bunch of stuff up?
I've been following this thread closely but I haven't had any good advice. I too, have a problem with money. My money is all packed away for a vet emergancy ( parents refuse to pay bills ). Why are your 'friends' not backing you up? Write everything down, then show your mum. If that doesn't work, just walk to the hospital and ask to see the doc. Then you can explain that your mum won't take you seriously about your health, and things got so desperate that you had to do something!! I'm sorry, that's all I've got. I wish I could help more
Kargo50, I think my words were "could be a hoax" no one is accusing you, it just seems odd to me that you appear not to be taking any of the advice given. I also find it a little odd that you are apparently afraid of your mother - no, not so much odd but rather worrying.

Believe me there are many who WOULD do this kind of thing as a hoax even though it would seem there is nothing to be gained from it. It is difficult to tell the genuine from a wierdo when using a public forum so if you feel I accused you I apologise, I was exploring the possibility.

Not long to wait now for your appointment, I hope you get the advice and care you seem to be lacking at home.
OK, here's what bothers me. There are a LOT of assumptions made in a thread like this. We don't know how old you are, and you have gotten advice so far, to look in your mother's purse to access card, and to even steal money. I'm not critizing the advice, as I'm sure everyopne is trying to help and think this that this is helpful, and in some cases, I suppose it would be acceptable. We don't know age of the poster, type of parental care, medical history of poster....and on and on it goes. Very personal issues should not be brought to a public forum, where you know nobody, and nobody knows you. It's risky to take or give personal advice under those circumstances.........I'm not commenting further in this thread. Just needed to clarify my reasoning.
Alright, this thread has lived it's life.

I'm glad this forum can be an open place for people to talk about anything - but when we leave it open for this some are bound to take advantage of it.

" What benefit is this person going to get from making a bunch of stuff up? "
- Attention. This was my suspicion all along, and in a couple previous posts from Kargo. The following is the nail in the coffin:

"I don't know why I seem like the kind of person that would lie about all this. I've been accused of pulling hoaxes on more than one forum......I guess I should just stop talking to people. If I die, oh well. No one cared anyway."

Mentally stable people do not say things like this. I mean no insult, and it pains me to be so abrupt - but while I am quite familiar with various psychological conditions I am not a therapist. If anyone here is a therapist they should also know that an online forum is not the place to work through such issues.

Kargo, you have received a great deal of advice - I don't know if you'll take any of it. But in addition to speaking to a doctor about your physical symptoms I would also recommend you talk to a psychologist or counselor about why you feel a need to play out this game on a parrot forum while laying on the potential guilt of your death as a motivator for people to listen to you.

If the fear of your own death does not motivate you to do anything why should it motivate us? The fact is I highly doubt you are worried for your life, you just want us to be. This is exceedingly disrespectful and offensive.

You had the support of many people here, and you had the ear of many people here. But you abused that trust and those relationships and I suspect you have lost or are losing most of them. Again, if you do not understand why, I recommend you speak to a counselor or pyschologist and ask them why the following is such an abhorrent thing to say to people who are essentially strangers on an internet forum:

"I don't know why I seem like the kind of person that would lie about all this. I've been accused of pulling hoaxes on more than one forum......I guess I should just stop talking to people. If I die, oh well. No one cared anyway."

Yes, you do seem like the kind of person that would lie about all this. Again I don't mean to be cruel - but I will not patronize you by lying. I do think you need help, and I do hope you get it, but this is not the place and this is not the means to do so.

If I am completely off base then I apologize - but if as you say you have been accused of pulling hoaxes on other forums and you don't have many friends that will believe you - then at the very least there is a need for you to improve your means of communication.

It is a cruel world out there, and sometimes it's a shame we can't be telepathic so that we can instantly understand each other. At times when people do not understand someone it is because they are not listening properly - but if NO ONE seems to understand you, or take what you say at face value, the odds are that it is not everyone else's failure in listening but rather your inability to communicate clearly.

I had a bit of an odd childhood for a while and was frustrated that no one seemed to care about my views and didn't take the time to understand me. But I learned that I had to present myself in a way that was easier to understand. Communication is a skill that must be learned - it will do you much good in life to explore better means of communicating. You can certainly do this on your own, but it's hard - so this is where I think you could benefit from talking to a counselor; they can help you learn to communicate in ways that will allow people (possibly even your mother) to understand you and appreciate what you are saying.

I do wish you luck and I do honestly hope things go well for you. But the trajectory of this thread was not a healthy one for the forum OR for you.
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