what a miracle! what a beautiful day!


New member
Feb 21, 2011
UFGainesville Fl
Blue Fronted Amazon(Charlie)
Panama Amazon(Joe)
Hi everybody,
I have never posted anything before. However, I have to share my happiness with everyone today.
I lost my Blue Fronted Amazon ten days ago. I took him out for free flight. He was scared by a hawk and flew away. I saw that hawk chasing after him and He was about to get caught so close. After that they flew out of my sight around a forest. I thought I lost my boy. I was so sad.
Today, I just happened to go to craigslist to check out the lost/found.
I saw a post about "found parrot". I call that number and it turned out it's UF small animal hospital. I brouhgt the birth certificate and went there check out. It's My Charlie according to the band number!! How exciting it was!
He's not even injured. Somebody found him and sent him to animal hospital. They gave him a full check and he is healthy except a little skinny.
I can't believe how lucky I am. I got my boy back.
Congrats!!!!! I'm glad you got your Charlie back, most people don't even get them back. My macaw rub off the numbers off his tag so it's not even readable....I have his hatch certificate though, plus he don't go to most people. He will come to me regardless even if he's mad at me...It's a wonderful happy ending for you and Charlie!!!!! :)
Thank goodness, no more free flight. I'm so glad you got him back, the picture of the hawk chasing him would give me nightmares. Congrats to you & Charlie
thats amazing! im so glad you got him back! if you take him outside again make sure to get a harness or flightsuit!
Congratulations-- and welcome home, Charlie! Too often, stories like this don't have such a happy ending-- it's nice to read one that does.
i can imagine how youre feeling we very nearly lost our b&g Vincent when he escaped outside. Several hours of following him from tree to tree followed, the fire brigade even came to help with no luck. Thankfully after we had nearly given up hope he landed on a roof and kyle was able to get up a ladder to him. im sure Charlie is glad he made it home thats a great story
Good story with a happy ending. Good thing band numbers were clear enough to read. I'd like to take this opportunity to remind people that often bands are obscured, or even removed. The best way to identify our larger birds is to MICROCHIP them! Then if lost or stolen, you are more likely to get it back. I've seen many lost birds that had no way of being identified. Microchipping is harmless to the bird, and well worth the cost. Ask your vet about it. You may someday be glad you did.

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