I am not one to advocate "pet store" pets but showed a picture of her to store manager when buying supplies and she thinks she is a he.
So one more time.
Hard to say from the picture, that budgie is still pretty young. I would agree on it being male based on proportions and from what I can see of the feet and cere, but it's never 100% till they're older.
This is a female for sure . The white iris shows that she's old enough to have had the eye color change which typically should happen around 8 months old (unless it's a mutation that keep the dark eyes). She still does have some forehead stripes, but should lose them at next molt.
Especially judging from your original pics, Skeezix has the 'chalky' light bluish white cere of a female (regardless of age) who is not in breeding condition. If this was a male, he'd have a bright blue cere with this color mutation. If it was a baby male, it would be a solid pinkish or light lavender pink, but more of a 'waxy' appearance rather than that 'chalky' whitish opaque look that she has. Hope this helps .
Edit: Here are pics of Mink my English female. She was even DNA'd. Same color cere as yours, and same as every female I've ever seen (who is not in breeding condition with a brown cere).
: Here are pics of Mink my English female. She was even DNA'd. Same color cere as yours, and same as every female I've ever seen (who is not in breeding condition with a brown cere).
I can't download the picture of Mink. Must be a large file. Would love to see her though...