Well now what


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Feb 9, 2020
Manchester, uk
Albie - Pineapple Green Cheek Conure - Hatch date 14 Dec 2019 - Gotcha date - 4 March 2020
Nova has just laid her first egg!

What do I do now ?? We did so well keeping Albie from laying for 5 years and counting , nova ? 12 months . I didn't realise she was THAT hormonal.

She's trying to sit on it and failing bless her

Please help
Nova has just laid her first egg!

What do I do now ?? We did so well keeping Albie from laying for 5 years and counting , nova ? 12 months . I didn't realise she was THAT hormonal.

She's trying to sit on it and failing bless her

Please help

Just leave her to sit on it, if you remove it too soon she'll just lay more to replace it. Having said that, where there's one there's often another already forming which she could lay in the next 36-48 hours or so. It might pay you to invest in some fake eggs, dummy cockatiel eggs are readily available since they are known to be a species notorious for laying infertile eggs. In the meantime while you source the dummy eggs you can boil the eggs she lays - obviously they're not going to hatch anyway but boiling them just makes them that bit more durable while she sits on them and if she does break the shell you won't have a nasty mess to have to clean up. It may take a good 3 or 4 weeks or so for Nova to realise her eggs won't hatch so you're in for the long haul here!
Just leave her to sit on it, if you remove it too soon she'll just lay more to replace it. Having said that, where there's one there's often another already forming which she could lay in the next 36-48 hours or so. It might pay you to invest in some fake eggs, dummy cockatiel eggs are readily available since they are known to be a species notorious for laying infertile eggs. In the meantime while you source the dummy eggs you can boil the eggs she lays - obviously they're not going to hatch anyway but boiling them just makes them that bit more durable while she sits on them and if she does break the shell you won't have a nasty mess to have to clean up. It may take a good 3 or 4 weeks or so for Nova to realise her eggs won't hatch so you're in for the long haul here!
She laid it in her day cage, should I leave her to sleep in there or am I ok to mover her to her sleep cage?
She laid it in her day cage, should I leave her to sleep in there or am I ok to mover her to her sleep cage?
See how you go, but if it was me I'd leave her where she is for the duration. Just don't cover the cage completely at night and maybe leave a night light on for her too so she doesn't get the night terrors.
See how you go, but if it was me I'd leave her where she is for the duration. Just don't cover the cage completely at night and maybe leave a night light on for her too so she doesn't get the night terrors.
Thank you ! That's helpful
Thank you ! That's helpful
You're welcome! Oh and it might be an idea to get hold of a cuttlebone if you don't already have one, and scrape some of it into her food. It will help boost her calcium levels to lessen the probability of her having trouble passing any more eggs.
You're welcome! Oh and it might be an idea to get hold of a cuttlebone if you don't already have one, and scrape some of it into her food. It will help boost her calcium levels to lessen the probability of her having trouble passing any more eggs.
I'm on Amazon looking at dummy eggs and calcium supplements
I've bought some calcivet for nova. It arrives tomorrow

Albie is very unimpressed that she's been kicked out of her preferred day cage because that's where Nova chose to have her egg. We have 2 days cages set up in the office and we leave the doors open unless we go out and they are both in and out of them but if they need to be put away Albie prefers the left one for what ever reason and so does nova apparently and nova has become some what defensive over it but that's because of her egg I think. Albie seems to have taken the hint and hasn't been near it.

Nova is doing ok, she willing got in the bath water with me (only up to her legs mind but that's progress as she hates water and bathing) she was attentive to the egg last night but seems to be ignoring it today. She's eating happily (chowing on her peas ) and has been drinking and flying around like the little nutter she is
When really nesting, they usually don't start incubating their eggs until they have at least two. Hopefully this is just a single egg she got out of her system and will continue to ignore it.

These are the just some of the extra eggs one of my budgies, Tilly and her faithful manservant, Emerson, laid last fall before I separated them into separate large cages. They would have had 30 babies if I hadn't stolen their eggs! They only had five chicks from laying three huge clutches.
When really nesting, they usually don't start incubating their eggs until they have at least two. Hopefully this is just a single egg she got out of her system and will continue to ignore it.

These are the just some of the extra eggs one of my budgies, Tilly and her faithful manservant, Emerson, laid last fall before I separated them into separate large cages. They would have had 30 babies if I hadn't stolen their eggs! They only had five chicks from laying three huge clutches.
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That's crazy ! So far she's ignored the egg all day today and has only just remembered to check on it 5 minutes ago 🤣
My girl Tilly was taking care of up to 12 eggs at a time! I subbed dummies so she wouldn't lay any more and be overwhelmed with babies. Poor girl! She's a small budgie and could barely spread her body out to cover all of them so she recruited her two chicks from both clutchs #1 and #2 to help keep them warm and keep her company. Her boyfriend Emerson helped too and he also continued to mate with her while incubating and I believe she liked it! I fed those winged rabbits lots of fresh chop, some seed, fresh leafy greens and other veggies several times a day. I shut down their breeding operation after she finished laying clutch #3 and didn't allow any chicks or it wouldnt have ended until she died from overbreeing. She's now happily retired in a large all girls cage.
Well, I dont think she cares about the egg. I left her in the day cage to go to sleep and we went to the bedroom with Albie, and oh my goodness the racket nova made , I didn't know she could make so much noise. As soon a I got her and brought her to the bed room she settled down right away .

So far still only one egg

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