I too have a blue and gold macaw that is 5 months old and has no desire to wean. I offer her every variety of food under the sun and she will play with her food mostly.
I have noticed that some people here in this community get irked when people purchase unweaned birds. This is a sensitive and frustrating issue because I certainly did do my homework. I talked to my breeder and my vet extensively and was assured over and over again that weaning is simple and painless. I have found it to be anything but simple! It has been frustrating, difficult, and full of problems.
To the original poster --- I am sorry you are having a hard time. I too am going through this phase in my macaw's life. I wish you lots of love and patience. Do the best you can!
The reason why we get irked is because we seen it time after time. From the time I've joined this forum, we've seen hundreds of the same question over and over. It is a delicate process and your taking a risk that can be very tricky. It doesn't matter the amount of home work you've done, there's always something that's going to hit you when your least expected. And there's some of us on here that have raised hundreds of young like I have and things still happen but we have the knowledge to respond when we encounter those issues. But what is done is already done so we're moving forward and help with as much as we can but at the same time we want to make sure everyone else we reads it will learn from it as well by us/me saying why we don't suggest people getting baby birds to raise to begin with. I'm not about to jump on the band wagon and go pro baby getter for all. That's not the type of notion I want to give others so I'd be sure to input that in my response.
I hope you don't take that the wrong way as we're only trying to let people understand the hardship in raising a baby bird. At the same time I will also say this, by hand feeding a baby bird on your own does not mean the bird will bond with you. I've seen it time after time, same in my case as well with some of the chicks I've raised. But at least I taught them properly to begin with before they leave my home. There's been babies I've raised that absolutely hates me from the moment they're weaned. It happens occasionally, not all the time. They rather be with someone else other then me. I've also spoken with a lady who handfed her Scarlet Macaw on her own and once he matures after weaning, he became hateful towards her as he prefers her husband instead. She can not handle him til this day and he's 10 years old.