We are home with our wonderful girl

I thought of you tonight as I took Rosie to the shower. She got totally wet. I dry her with a hair dryer. You have a treat in store for you when you see how beautiful the feathers get after the dust is blown off for a while. It really is a true grey.
she is so beautiful! It sounds like you are making a wonderful home for her!
Beautiful girl. Good luck with the name change. We tried to change Sunny's name when we got her. She was 2 1/2 and apparently fond of her name. She corrected us until we gave up. Sunny it is.
I predict that you and your family will grow in so many ways after enriching your lifes with such a great pet.You sound like such a great family for a parrot. IMO you've made a very wise decision. I know that a very early age that birds made me a better person.
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Wow, I think you seriously scored! Congratulations!
Thank you everybody!
The first day went really well. We are just letting her get used to us and we have held her occassionally. She is tired from yesterday but being in the busy part of the house she had a hard time napping, would open her eyes every time somebody walked by. Will she get used to the hubbub or should we look into a nap cage in a second room?

She LOVES food. The cage is within sight of my food prep counter in the kitchen. Whenever she saw me getting food ready for the kids she'd come over to the side of the cage, lean forward with wings open and wave back and forth. So she got bits of all sorts of things today: Peas, a few baby carrots, apple, almond, a noodle, and a bit of peanut butter on a spoon. For the chunk of nectarine I put it in a baby bowl and held it for her while she sat on me so she could rip it to shreds. It's fun to see her rip up their food. She seemed more nervous and would even growl when my husband was talking to her, so he fed hand-fed her the peas.

She has made a few noises, one that sounds like a smoke detector battery beep that her previous parront said she got from their caique, something that sounds like a gravelly deep Hello, and a contact call type chirp. We have done lots of talking to her and hanging out near the cage.
You'll find TAGs love whistles, beeps, and any kind of alarms, LOL Don't let the smoke alarm go off !!!
She is beautiful! Congratulations to you and your family !!
You all are gonna have so much fun with her : )
Love the name change too ....
Thank you everybody!
The first day went really well. We are just letting her get used to us and we have held her occassionally. She is tired from yesterday but being in the busy part of the house she had a hard time napping, would open her eyes every time somebody walked by. Will she get used to the hubbub or should we look into a nap cage in a second room?

She LOVES food. The cage is within sight of my food prep counter in the kitchen. Whenever she saw me getting food ready for the kids she'd come over to the side of the cage, lean forward with wings open and wave back and forth. So she got bits of all sorts of things today: Peas, a few baby carrots, apple, almond, a noodle, and a bit of peanut butter on a spoon. For the chunk of nectarine I put it in a baby bowl and held it for her while she sat on me so she could rip it to shreds. It's fun to see her rip up their food. She seemed more nervous and would even growl when my husband was talking to her, so he fed hand-fed her the peas.

She has made a few noises, one that sounds like a smoke detector battery beep that her previous parront said she got from their caique, something that sounds like a gravelly deep Hello, and a contact call type chirp. We have done lots of talking to her and hanging out near the cage.

I recommend keeping the cage in the busy part of the house. She will get acclimated to her normal sleeping routine in no time. Additionally, being around people will ensure she stays socialized. From everything you've posted so far it sounds like you are all doing very well. It's good to see!!! :)
We are all enjoying your thread here. It is a happy one to read. I have seen people make a spot for their birds in the kitchen so they can eat as you prepare food. I suggest you look up avigl0 at MSBS. I keep trying to give you the link but it will not work today for some reason. red palm oil is so so good for their feather growth.

I just put a vid up of Rosie and you can see how much she enjoys singing and whistling,

AGL4 - Avitech Aviglo Red Palm Oil 4 OZ
AviGlo premium palm oil is a certified organic red oil obtained by cold pressing the fruit of the dende palm. It provides a number of essential fatty acids including omega 3 and omega 6. Palm oil is familiar to birds in the wild as many use palm fruit as a large part of their diet. Macaws and Cockatoos as well as African Greys particularly benefit from eating AviGlo palm oil. AviGlo palm oil helps put sheen into dull feathers and improves dry flaky skin and feet. It's great for all birds, but especially greys, macaws and cockatoos

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Thanks, Spiritbird! I have adblock on this device so I couldn't remember the name of the forum sponsering store. I had heard about that and I will order some and probably a few other things. :)

We are looking up how to make an easily movable T-perch. Perhaps two, one that can be set on a table top and another that stands on the floor. Although she is so happy on shoulders or on arms it's an ok temporary situation for now until we can get one. She has ignored the special pedicure swing I paid $23 for! :) I can't get it higher so I may move some of the other perches down.

She's been doing great. She definitely prefers me to hubby so he's been trying to give her food bits and spend a lot of time holding her. She's now let the three older kids hold her and been fine. It just is astounding to me how calm and gentle she is. She has a low growl she uses when she is uncomfortable. She also seems to grunt when she wants something, like when she looks like she wants me to pick her up or wants me to give her scritches. Is that normal grey behaviour? DH said he had read they only grunt when they are bothered/nervous. She has a feather shaft that's bugging her on her head so we had a good scritch session. She loves being touched all over her head and on her cheeks, She loved having her cere rubbed but then she started bobbing her head around-is that too stimulating for her? She also gives kisses. She's a sweetheart and so cuddly.
She seems fine with us taking her around the house, she even has perched happily on the shower curtain for a couple of showers and preened.
And yeah-still wants to eat everything. Today she tried spinach, celery, bagal, wheat bread, and a few other things. She wasn't very into a chicken bone we gave her.
Awesome the trip worked out for the positive. I know there was concern.

Really enjoyed reading this thread and glad all is working out for Pepper and the new home!!:D

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