It's time for a wake up call. I broke out in tears when I saw that perch , and the cage. This is absolutely at the root of the screaming.
I read this and i have the worst feeling ever i almost feel like a horrible monster, i wish i could take all the BS back i have inflicted on my poor bird,
I have never owned a parrot before in my life this is my first experience with an Alex, therefore i had no idea how to keep one, buy im starting to learn thanks to this website and all the great people that are available on here,
but some how i do feel responsible for her behavior and i should be blamed, i should have been more careful and i certainly should have done some more research regarding Alexandrian's before bringing one to my door step, wish i could tell my bird how sorry iam and i wish i could take it all back.
I just called the bird shop and ordered a nice cage and a perch suitable for Alexandrian's it will be delivered by Monday the 2nd until then ill keep her out of the cage most of the time.